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Pronunciation of complacency with 11 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kəmˈpleɪs(ə)nsɪ
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Phonetic spelling of complacency

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Meanings for complacency

Self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.
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the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself
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Synonyms for complacency

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Antonyms for complacency

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Examples of in a sentence

Confronting the Coronavirus and Countering Complacency at NMRTC Bremerton
Listen Confronting the Coronavirus and Countering Complacency at NMRTC Bremerton pronunciation
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Democrats warn against complacency as Biden ahead in battleground polls
Listen Democrats warn against complacency as Biden ahead in battleground polls pronunciation
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Older Adults and COVID-19: Now is Not the Time for Complacency
Listen Older Adults and COVID-19: Now is Not the Time for Complacency pronunciation
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Essay: Letting Go of Complicity, Complacency, and Convenience
Listen Essay: Letting Go of Complicity, Complacency, and Convenience pronunciation
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Fighting fit and winning every game, Real Madrid are in a happy camp while Barcelona wilt... as Bernabeu boss Zinedine Zidane warns only complacency can stop his rampant side ...
Listen Fighting fit and winning every game, Real Madrid are in a happy camp while Barcelona wilt... as Bernabeu boss Zinedine Zidane warns only complacency can stop his rampant side ... pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of complacency

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Trending news on complacency

'China lulled India into complacency by Jhoola diplomacy'
Listen 'China lulled India into complacency by Jhoola diplomacy' pronunciation
Chidambaram in a pointed tweet said, "China lulled India into complacency by Jhoola diplomacy and Chinese money." The attack was launched by the Congress leader after the party alleged that..View article
China lulled India into complacency by 'jhoola diplomacy', Chinese money: P Chidambaram
Listen China lulled India into complacency by 'jhoola diplomacy', Chinese money: P Chidambaram pronunciation
China lulled India into complacency by 'jhoola diplomacy', Chinese money: P Chidambaram India plotting my ouster, claims Nepal PM K P Oli Times Health Survey assists you in your search for t..View article
image-unavailable Indiatimes
GST birthday sad reminder of reform complacency
Listen GST birthday sad reminder of reform complacency pronunciation
20 years on from the GST, the time has come to end the complacency about reforming Australia's economically damaging tax system now that the burning platform is here. Twenty years ago this w..View article
The Australian Financial Review The Australian Financial Review
While Ebola outbreak ends in eastern DRC, WHO says no room for complacency
Listen While Ebola outbreak ends in eastern DRC, WHO says no room for complacency pronunciation
After almost two years, an Ebola outbreak in eastern DRC is finally finished. But the country's health challenges are far from over.
Devex Devex
Complacency Could Cause Coronavirus Spike, RI Leaders Warn
Listen Complacency Could Cause Coronavirus Spike, RI Leaders Warn pronunciation
PROVIDENCE, RI — As Rhode Island stands at the cusp of the third phase of reopening, Gov. Gina Raimondo and other top state officials warned residents to be extra vigilant about mask wearing..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo! News
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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