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Pronunciation of modesty with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmɒdɪstɪ
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Examples of in a sentence

This means very much, though his modesty led him to call in the aid of his friend Saul to cope with the new and expanding situation (25 f.).
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The Meaning of Modesty
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Demi Rose struggles to maintain her modesty in minuscule snakeprint bikini
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Man molested 13-year-old student, insulted modesty of teen, 19
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Patna: FIR lodged against teacher for bid to outrage modesty of ex-student
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modesty should be in sentence

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Trending news on modesty

AWARE misunderstood purpose of outrage of modesty crime prevention posters: Police
On Thursday, AWARE put up photos on Facebook of two posters it said were taken in an MRT train, warning would-be perpetrators about the penalties for outrage of modesty. Each poster featured..View article
Channel NewsAsia Singapore Channel NewsAsia Singapore
Misplaced Modesty Hampers Sex Education in Japan’s Schools
Sex education in Japan’s schools lags behind that in other countries on many fronts. What are the differences and why is Japan behind so much of the rest of the world? We asked Hashimoto Nor..View article
image-unavailable Nippon
IDF rabbis in reserve pen modesty laws handbook for religious soldiers
Several reservist rabbis from the IDF rabbinate have written a handbook of Jewish laws for how religious soldiers should handle serving in the military with women, including stipulations ban..View article
jpost.com jpost.com
One of our biggest retailers is doing a new 'modesty' range
We want to be transparent about it to prove we can make a difference." Mr Simpson said that while some of the goals such as the modesty edit are easily achieved internally, others required b..View article
image-unavailable The Sydney Morning Herald
Asking the Clergy: What is the value of modesty in your faith tradition?
Modesty may be an old-fashioned concept nowadays, but it's a virtue for a number of faith traditions. And contrary to popular belief, modesty in these faiths applies equally to men and women..View article
Newsday Newsday
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