Free online pronunciation tool to pronounce places or location names

Learn how to pronounce commonly mispronounced city names, state names or any location names using audios and videos contributed by the community


The proper pronunciation of the word mysore is?


HowToPronounce helps you to learn pronunciation of towns, cities, states or any location or place contributed by the community

We as a community work hard to eliminate the mispronunciation of places which could be tricky and difficult with various dialects and foreign languages. Listen and learn from the audios and videos contributed by community, practice, embed, share or save it to your collections for future reference

You can even learn how to correctly say a word, place, drug, medical, technical terminologies, and much more using application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have any questions here? We’ve covered it all. If you don’t see the answers here, drop us a line on our Contact us page.

Why pronunciation of names of places vary?

Pronunciations may vary for a place due to dialects or foreign language.

Can I contribute pronunciation of my hometown?

Yes! It would be a valuable contribution to the community which could help them to learn pronunciation from a local or native speaker. HowToPronounce also rewards with badges and certificates as a token of appreciation

How can I correct the wrong pronunciation of a place?

You can report a wrong pronunciation and if you know the correct pronunciation you can record your own pronunciation

Is it necessary to learn the correct pronunciation of a place before travelling?

Absolutely, it is necessary to learn the pronunciation of the places in local language before you travel. It can help you to communicate with a local for directions or commute.

Can I share my recorded pronunciations to anyone?

Yes you can share to anyone. You can also embed the pronunciations in any website.

Can I store travel phrases for dual language reference?

Yes, you can use our collections feature to do that