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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kənˈsiːt
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Examples of in a sentence

We were all - if you will allow me to include myself - on the road to distinction, all clever, all ambitious, and all with a perfect conceit of ourselves.
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The choice fell upon Sieyes, who had kept aloof from office and retained not only his immeasurable self-conceit but the respect of the public. Sieyes felt that anything, broke up in April and the French envoys were murdered by Austrian hussars.
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Born in a drapers shop, this great administrator always preserved its narrow horizon, its short-sighted imagination, its taste for detail, and the conceit of the parvenu; while with his insinuating ways, and knowing better than Fouquet how to keep his distance, he made himself indispensable by his s
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Ibrahim was undoubtedly helped by Colonel Seve and the European officers in his army, but his intelligent docility to their advice, as well as his personal hardihood and energy, compare most favourably with the sloth, ignorance and arrogant conceit of the Turkish generals opposed to him.
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