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Pronunciation of warn with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : wɔːn
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Phonetic spelling of warn

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Meanings for warn

A vehicle recovery equipment manufacturing company that is located in the United States and was established in the year 1948.
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Wiki content for warn

Examples of in a sentence

Scientists warn thawing Siberia may trigger global meltdown
Listen Scientists warn thawing Siberia may trigger global meltdown pronunciation
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Iran President warns Israeli government is heading towards annihilation
Listen Iran President warns Israeli government is heading towards annihilation pronunciation
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Police warn Sydneysiders to stay away from Eastern beaches
Listen Police warn Sydneysiders to stay away from Eastern beaches pronunciation
29 ratings rating ratings
France, Germany officials warn against using Internet Explorer
Listen France, Germany officials warn against using Internet Explorer pronunciation
26 ratings rating ratings
Jamaica: Violence kills at least 30
Listen Jamaica: Violence kills at least 30 pronunciation
24 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on warn

Police warn against New Year Eve's celebratory gunfire
Boys in Ohio and Georgia were also wounded a year ago by random gunfire. Police and ballistics experts warn that heedlessly firing guns into the air to celebrate the holidays can have seriou..View article
WFMY News2 WFMY News2
Miami officials warn against celebratory gunfire on New Year’s Eve
MIAMI (WSVN) - City and county leaders held a joint press conference to remind residents to celebrate the new year safely and responsibly. “Every bullet that goes up must come down, and it c..View article
7News Miami 7News Miami
Police, victims warn against firing guns in air on New Year’s Eve
Kaitlyn Kong thought she had been punched hard in the abdomen as she stood among thousands of people in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, as the new year arrived a year ago. Her best friend,..View article
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Experts warn of terror threat as piracy cases rise
As the number of recorded piracy incidents in the Singapore Strait rises, so has the level of concern among security experts of a potential terror threat. A string of attempts last week brou..View article
Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide
Nevada regulators warn about marijuana that failed state testing
CARSON CITY, Nev. (KOLO) - The Nevada Department of Taxation has issued a Safety Notice Advisory about marijuana that failed state testing. Four batches of marijuana failed the testing: * Is..View article
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