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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : prɪˈvent
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Examples of in a sentence

Algeria blocks internet across nation to prevent cheating in diploma exams
Listen Algeria blocks internet across nation to prevent cheating in diploma exams pronunciation
32 ratings rating ratings
U.S. judge orders release of President Trump's tax records, appeals court issues delay
Listen U.S. judge orders release of President Trump's tax records, appeals court issues delay pronunciation
30 ratings rating ratings
U.S. Senate debates raising national debt ceiling
Listen U.S. Senate debates raising national debt ceiling pronunciation
27 ratings rating ratings
NRA official suggests arming teachers to prevent school shootings
Listen NRA official suggests arming teachers to prevent school shootings pronunciation
23 ratings rating ratings
Study finds pregnant women eating seafood helps child
Listen Study finds pregnant women eating seafood helps child pronunciation
21 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of prevent

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Trending news on prevent

Senate prepares to move on bill to prevent government shutdown
Listen Senate prepares to move on bill to prevent government shutdown pronunciation
"With so many critical issues to address, the last thing the American people need right now is a government shutdown," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said.
CBS News on MSN.com CBS News on MSN.com
Indian state shuts down Internet for millions to prevent cheating on teachers’ exam
Listen Indian state shuts down Internet for millions to prevent cheating on teachers’ exam pronunciation
Cheating on exams is a significant problem in India, where competition for university places and government jobs can be fierce.
Washington Post Washington Post
Flavonoids can potentially help prevent COVID-19-induced diarrhea, study finds
Listen Flavonoids can potentially help prevent COVID-19-induced diarrhea, study finds pronunciation
Previous studies have also shown that flavonoids, which are a type of phytochemical, can prevent infectious diarrhea. To this end, a recent study published in Tropical Biomedicine determines..View article
image-unavailable News Medical
Acorn Experts seek to prevent companies paying up to 59% more than they need to for an LMS
Listen Acorn Experts seek to prevent companies paying up to 59% more than they need to for an LMS pronunciation
When it comes to picking a learning management system pricing is the deciding factor for many organisations So why do many end up paying 59 more than they need to Seeking to better inform th..View article
openpr.com openpr.com
Senate Majority Leader Schumer: Senate to vote on legislation to prevent 'needless' shutdown
Listen Senate Majority Leader Schumer: Senate to vote on legislation to prevent 'needless' shutdown pronunciation
His government overhaul plans at stake, President Joe Biden appeared unable Wednesday night to swiftly strike agreement with two wavering Democratic senators trying to trim back his potentia..View article
News 12 New Jersey News 12 New Jersey
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