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Meanings for Vlach

This is a community of people, who make up the population of Romania and Moldova.
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Wiki content for Vlach

Vlachs - Vlachs (English: or , or rarely ), also Wallachians (and many other variants), is a historical term from the Middle Ages that designates an exonym, mostly for the Romanians who lived north
Vlachs of Serbia - The Vlachs (endonym: Rumînji or Rumâni, Serbian: Власи, romanized: Vlasi) are an ethnic minority in eastern Serbia, culturally and linguistically related to Romanians.
Vlachs in the history of Croatia - The term Vlachs (Croatian: Vlasi) was initially used in medieval Croatian and Venetian history for a Romance-speaking pastoralist community, called "Vlachs" and "Morlachs", inhabiting the mou
Vlachs in medieval Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vlachs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are a Balkan population who descend from Romanized Illyrians and Thraco-Romans, and other pre-Slavic Romance-speaking peoples.
Vlach language in Serbia - The Vlach language (Serbian: Влашки језик / Vlaški jezik), known by the endonym limba română or ľimba rumâńască (literally "Romanian language"), is the Daco-Romanian varieties as they are spo
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Examples of in a sentence

In Transylvania, however, the common peril evoked by the Turkish incursion and a simultaneous rising of the Vlach peasantry had knit together the jarring interests of Magyars, Saxons and Szeklers, a union which, under the national hero, the voivode Janos Hunyadi, was destined for a while to turn the
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Translations of Vlach

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