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IPA : ˈsɪbɪl
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    Meanings for sibyl

    Female prophets of Ancient Greece. The word was first mentioned by Heraclitus in the 5th century.
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    Wiki content for sibyl

    Sibyl - The sibyls were oracles in Ancient Greece. The earliest sibyls, according to legend, prophesied at holy sites.
    Sibylle Berg - Sibylle Berg (born 2 June 1962 in Weimar, East Germany) is a German-Swiss author and playwright. She writes novels, essays, short fiction, plays, radio plays, and political columns.
    Sibyl de Neufmarché - Sibyl de Neufmarché, Countess of Hereford, suo jure Lady of Brecknock (c. 1100 – after 1143), was a Cambro-Norman noblewoman, heiress to one of the most substantial fiefs in the Welsh Marches
    Sibylline Oracles - The Sibylline Oracles (Latin: Oracula Sibyllina; sometimes called the pseudo-Sibylline Oracles) are a collection of oracular utterances written in Greek hexameters ascribed to the Sibyls, pro
    Sibyl Hathaway - Dame Sibyl Mary Hathaway (née Collings; 13 January 1884 – 14 July 1974) was Dame of Sark from 1927 until her death in 1974. Her 47-year rule over Sark, in the Channel Islands, spanned the re
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    Examples of in a sentence

    cbdMD Announces Hiring of Dr. Sibyl Swift as VP of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
    Listen cbdMD Announces Hiring of Dr. Sibyl Swift as VP of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs pronunciation
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    Listen SIBYL MACKEY GRAHAM (Deceased) pronunciation
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    Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Trees and Spinning Figures), 2019
    Listen Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Trees and Spinning Figures), 2019 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Leaf & Gallows), 2019
    Listen Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Leaf & Gallows), 2019 pronunciation
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    Goldman, Sibyl — Facebook
    Listen Goldman, Sibyl — Facebook pronunciation
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    Trending news on sibyl

    Goldman, Sibyl — Facebook
    Listen Goldman, Sibyl — Facebook pronunciation
    THE LATEST: In addition to a rapid expansion of her global partnerships team over the past 12 months, Goldman continues to champion content for Facebook Watch, including "Red Table Talk," a..View article
    image-unavailable Los Angeles Business Journal
    Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Leaf & Gallows), 2019
    Listen Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Leaf & Gallows), 2019 pronunciation
    This is a unique work. In his drawings and animations, William Kentridge articulates the concerns of post-Apartheid South Africa with unparalleled nuance and lyricism. In the inventive proce..View article
    image-unavailable Artsy
    Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Trees and Spinning Figures), 2019
    Listen Drawing for Waiting for the Sibyl (Trees and Spinning Figures), 2019 pronunciation
    This is a unique work. In his drawings and animations, William Kentridge articulates the concerns of post-Apartheid South Africa with unparalleled nuance and lyricism. In the inventive proce..View article
    image-unavailable Artsy
    Listen SIBYL MACKEY GRAHAM (Deceased) pronunciation
    Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, late of Glenmoor, Southwaite, C
    Southern Daily Echo Southern Daily Echo
    cbdMD Announces Hiring of Dr. Sibyl Swift as VP of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs
    Listen cbdMD Announces Hiring of Dr. Sibyl Swift as VP of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs pronunciation
    MD, Inc. (NYSE American: YCBD, YCBDpA) (the “Company”), one of the leading, and most highly trusted and recognized cannabidiol (CBD) brands, announ
    Business Wire Business Wire

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