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fortune teller

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Phonetic spelling of fortune teller

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Meanings for fortune teller

It is a person who predicts what will take place in the future depending on something like the lines on your hand.
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Synonyms for fortune teller

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Examples of in a sentence

The Quickest Slants: Rosie the Fortune Teller
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Open the fortune teller each way, counting up to the number they chose.
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Auburn: City Council Plans to Repeal 'Fortune Teller Tax'
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If you had a yen for sideshow freaks, fortune tellers, guys with whips and all the popcorn and cotton candy you could stuff into yourself, the place to be Saturday was The Hartford Club for the Mark Twain House & Museum's "The Greatest Gala on Earth
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If a fortune teller had told Mike Yeo the Wild were going to give up the first goal Saturday at Dallas and score only two goals themselves, the coach likely would have thought the game was doomed to be another defeat
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Translations of fortune teller

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Antonyms for fortune teller

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