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Pronunciation of scrivener with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈskrɪvnə
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Phonetic spelling of scrivener

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Meanings for scrivener

It is a word-processing program that was developed using the Java programming language.
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Synonyms for scrivener

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Learn more about the word "scrivener" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for scrivener

Scrivener - A scrivener (or scribe) was a person who could read and write or who wrote letters to court and legal documents.
Scrivener (software) - Scrivener () is a word-processing program and outliner designed for authors. Scrivener provides a management system for documents, notes and metadata.
Scrivener Dam - Scrivener Dam, a concrete gravity dam that impounds Molonglo River, is located in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
Scrivener's Moon - Scrivener's Moon is the sequel to A Web of Air, and the third book in the Fever Crumb trilogy, the prequel series to Mortal Engines Quartet.
Scrivener (disambiguation) - A scrivener is a professional scribe.
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Examples of in a sentence

Scrivener rallies for joint-tenth in Dubai
Listen Scrivener rallies for joint-tenth in Dubai pronunciation
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Scrivener, Hend to share in $US8m pay day
Listen Scrivener, Hend to share in $US8m pay day pronunciation
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Solid starts for Scrivener, Hend in Turkey
Listen Solid starts for Scrivener, Hend in Turkey pronunciation
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A dishonest scrivener covertly changed the US Constitution’s impeachment clause
Listen A dishonest scrivener covertly changed the US Constitution’s impeachment clause pronunciation
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Scrivener ends eight-month wait in Spain
Listen Scrivener ends eight-month wait in Spain pronunciation
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Translations of scrivener

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Trending news on scrivener

Scrivener 3 Review
Listen Scrivener 3 Review pronunciation
(There is a recent overview of competitive open source writing apps available here.) This is a somewhat belated review of Scrivener 3, which was released (for Mac only) last November. Scrive..View article
Medium Medium
Review: Scrivener for Windows lets you write epic novels, office memos
Listen Review: Scrivener for Windows lets you write epic novels, office memos pronunciation
Turning a jumbled mass of ideas into a coherent article, or even a book, isn't easy, but Scrivener helps. Scrivener's interface can seem busy at first glance, but you can switch most of it o..View article
PC World PC World
Hands On: Scrivener 3.0 further refines the writing, research process on the Mac
AppleInsider gets a published author to take a look at the Scrivener update, with new highlights including a much called-for rewrite of the app's Compile feature, and an interface modernizat..View article
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Scrivener writing app gets a huge update
Listen Scrivener writing app gets a huge update pronunciation
As ancient as the art of writing is, there is a bit of a shortage when it comes to truly excellent writing applications. Scrivener is one of the few, and today, the app has gotten a major up..View article
TechCrunch TechCrunch
Hands on: Scrivener 3.03 is the best tool for writing books
Scrivener isn't necessarily the best for making books or e-books, but now it doesn't have to be since it's added Vellum support. AppleInsider checks it out. If you write academic non-fiction..View article
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