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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈpenmən
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Meanings for penman

A surname that is of Hebrew origin.
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Wiki content for penman

Penman - Penman is a surname.
Penmanship - Penmanship is the technique of writing with the hand using a writing instrument. Today, this is most commonly done with a pen, or pencil, but throughout history has included many different i
Penmanshiel Tunnel - Penmanshiel Tunnel is a now-disused railway tunnel near Grantshouse, Berwickshire, in the Scottish Borders region of Scotland.
Penman–Monteith equation - Like the Penman equation, the Penman–Monteith equation (after Howard Penman and John Monteith) approximates net evapotranspiration (ET), requiring as input daily mean temperature, wind speed,
Penman equation - The Penman equation describes evaporation (E) from an open water surface, and was developed by Howard Penman in 1948. Penman's equation requires daily mean temperature, wind speed, air pressu
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Examples of in a sentence

Johnson Outdoors Taps Penman for Key Role
52 ratings rating ratings
Beverley Penman touched after Kind Twitter users rally together to help a nurse using a foodbank
Listen Beverley Penman touched after Kind Twitter users rally together to help a nurse using a foodbank pronunciation
48 ratings rating ratings
Washington, Flor deMaria Penman
Listen Washington, Flor deMaria Penman pronunciation
44 ratings rating ratings
Williamsport’s Penman named Girls Soccer Player of the Year
Listen Williamsport’s Penman named Girls Soccer Player of the Year pronunciation
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Newport County can get right back in the promotion picture before January, says Andrew Penman
Listen Newport County can get right back in the promotion picture before January, says Andrew Penman pronunciation
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Translations of penman

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Trending news on penman

Newport County can get right back in the promotion picture before January, says Andrew Penman
Listen Newport County can get right back in the promotion picture before January, says Andrew Penman pronunciation
NEWPORT County AFC can put cup competitions to one side for a whole month after tonight’s trek to Brighton, allowing them to concentrate fully on climbing back up the league ladder. After Fr..View article
South Wales Argus South Wales Argus
Williamsport’s Penman named Girls Soccer Player of the Year
Listen Williamsport’s Penman named Girls Soccer Player of the Year pronunciation
Throughout Williamsport’s PIAA Class AAAA opener against North Penn, Katie Penman was often seen in the scoring third surrounded by three North Penn defenders. They constantly monitored ever..View article
Williamsport Sun-Gazette Williamsport Sun-Gazette
Washington, Flor deMaria Penman
Listen Washington, Flor deMaria Penman pronunciation
Winston-Salem - Mrs. Flor deMaria Penman Washington, 59, passed away November 14, 2019. Memorial services will be held 11 am Saturday, December 7, 2019 at St. Peter's Church and World Outrea..View article
Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
Beverley Penman touched after Kind Twitter users rally together to help a nurse using a foodbank
Listen Beverley Penman touched after Kind Twitter users rally together to help a nurse using a foodbank pronunciation
Beverley Penman took to Twitter this week to reveal her harrowing ordeal, posting a picture of tinned food, dried pasta and even toilet roll she had been given in donations. The single mothe..View article
Mail Online Mail Online

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