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IPA : ˈmɒksɪ
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Meanings for moxie

Moxie is an American film directed by Amy Poehler, produced by Paper Kite Productions, and released on 3rd March 2021.
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Wiki content for moxie

Moxie - Moxie is a brand of carbonated beverage that was among the first mass-produced soft drinks in the United States.
Moxie Marlinspike - Matthew Rosenfeld, known as Moxie Marlinspike, is an American entrepreneur, cryptographer, and computer security researcher.
Moxie (film) - Moxie is an upcoming American drama film, directed by Amy Poehler, with a screenplay by Tamara Chestna.
Moxie's Grill & Bar - Moxie's Restaurants LP (doing business as Moxie's Grill & Bar; formerly Moxie's Classic Grill and commonly known as Moxie's) is a Canadian restaurant chain operating in eight provinces.
Moxie Mannheim - "Boss" Moxie Mannheim is a fictional character, a DC Comics supervillain.
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Examples of in a sentence

Moxie Kitchen announces it will rebrand into an Italian-inspired restaurant
Listen Moxie Kitchen announces it will rebrand into an Italian-inspired restaurant pronunciation
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Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails transforming into new concept at Jacksonville’s St. Johns Town Center
Listen Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails transforming into new concept at Jacksonville’s St. Johns Town Center pronunciation
37 ratings rating ratings
Inside the Deal: Why Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails is rebranding
Listen Inside the Deal: Why Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails is rebranding pronunciation
34 ratings rating ratings
Patrick Schwarzenegger looks youthful while shooting a scene for upcoming high school drama Moxie
Listen Patrick Schwarzenegger looks youthful while shooting a scene for upcoming high school drama Moxie pronunciation
31 ratings rating ratings
Mama Bear Moxie: Daily highs and lows give perspective to life, parenting
Listen Mama Bear Moxie: Daily highs and lows give perspective to life, parenting pronunciation
29 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of moxie

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Trending news on moxie

Millennial Moxie: Reviewing Rocco's Rookie Year as Manager
Listen Millennial Moxie: Reviewing Rocco's Rookie Year as Manager pronunciation
Last weekend, as University of Minnesota football coach P.J. Fleck surfed across a sea of rejoicing players in the locker room following a landmark victory, I couldn't help but think back to..View article
Twins Daily Twins Daily
Moxie Kitchen and Cocktails to introduce new name, new menu in 2020
Listen Moxie Kitchen and Cocktails to introduce new name, new menu in 2020 pronunciation
Jacksonville, FL - Moxie Kitchen and Cocktails at the Markets at Town Center will soon have a new name and a new menu. The restaurant announced on Facebook, that it will be changing its name..View article
MOXY'S GOT MOXIE: Animal shelter removes tumor from stray dog who got adopted
UPDATE: Moxy was adopted Thursday. To make a stray dog more appealing for adoption, the Weatherford/ Parker County Animal Shelter performed a surgery to remove the dog’s large tumor. Moxy, a..View article
Weatherford Democrat Weatherford Democrat
Moxie Craft Fest returning Saturday
Listen Moxie Craft Fest returning Saturday pronunciation
And like many area makers she’s always wanted to join the ranks of those found at the bi- annual Moxie Craft Festival. The events — hosted in the fall and spring — feature dozens of crafters..View article
Brunswick News Brunswick News
Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails to reopen as Prati Italia
Listen Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails to reopen as Prati Italia pronunciation
Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails, an upscale restaurant at the St. Johns Town Center, will become Prati Italia by mid-January, according to a release. A Canadian restaurant with a similar name deci..View article
Jacksonville Daily Record Jacksonville Daily Record
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