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Pronunciation of daring with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈdeərɪŋ
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Phonetic spelling of daring

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Meanings for daring

It is an adjective that means adventurous or courageous action.
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It is an adjective that means adventurous or courageous action.
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Synonyms for daring

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Antonyms for daring

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Examples of in a sentence

Daring predictions about the winners of 2020
29 ratings rating ratings
Move Over Beyond Meat, Daring Foods Offers Plant-Based Chicken Alternative
27 ratings rating ratings
Hundreds reenact George Washington’s daring Christmas Day Delaware River crossing
24 ratings rating ratings
27 of the most daring dresses celebrities wore in 2019
20 ratings rating ratings
Daring Foods Launches Nationwide with Rastelli Foods Group
16 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of daring

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Trending news on daring

A Marathoner’s Daring Double: The Olympic Trials and Boston
Des Linden didn’t want to decide between the Olympic trials and the Boston Marathon—so she’s running them both, 51 days apart.
Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal
Hundreds reenact George Washington’s daring Christmas Day Delaware River crossing
Thousands came out Wednesday to an annual reenactment of George Washington’s surprise Christmas Day crossing of Delaware River. The daring 1776 river crossing set Washington’s Revolutionary..View article
Boxing Day revellers ignore the chill and hit the streets in daring fancy dress outfits for more festive fun
Boxing Day partygoers were dressed to impress tonight as they ignored the chilly temperatures and hit the streets to continue the Christmas celebrations. Hundreds were pictured getting in to..View article
Mail Online Mail Online
27 of the most daring dresses celebrities wore in 2019
The "naked trend" has proven to be particularly popular this year, with many stars sporting sheer gowns on the red carpet.
Business Insider Business Insider
Man Utd boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer makes daring Fred comparison directly to Paul Scholes
Manchester United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer compared Fred to Paul Scholes directly to the Red Devils legend after the 2-0 win over Burnley. The Brazilian played from the start and impressed..View article
Express Express
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