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Meanings for Kuenssberg

Laura Kuenssberg is a British journalist who currently the first woman to hold the position as a political editor of BBC News.
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Wiki content for Kuenssberg

Examples of in a sentence

The Brexit Storm Continues: Laura Kuenssberg's Inside Story
Listen The Brexit Storm Continues: Laura Kuenssberg's Inside Story pronunciation
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BBC journalist who 'trolled Jewish Radio 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett after she spoke out against anti-Semitism' also attacked Laura Kuenssberg and David Baddiel using his own ...
Listen BBC journalist who 'trolled Jewish Radio 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett after she spoke out against anti-Semitism' also attacked Laura Kuenssberg and David Baddiel using his own ... pronunciation
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Laura Kuenssberg exposes HUGE coronavirus changes in store – major announcement on Monday | UK | News (Reports)
Listen Laura Kuenssberg exposes HUGE coronavirus changes in store – major announcement on Monday | UK | News (Reports) pronunciation
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Laura Kuenssberg makes rare comment about her 'fair' salary
Listen Laura Kuenssberg makes rare comment about her 'fair' salary pronunciation
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BBC News' Laura Kuenssberg makes extremely rare comment about husband
Listen BBC News' Laura Kuenssberg makes extremely rare comment about husband pronunciation
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Trending news on Kuenssberg

BBC Bias row ERUPTS after Beeb’s Laura Kuenssberg makes shock Keir Starmer claim | UK | News (Reports)
Listen BBC Bias row ERUPTS after Beeb’s Laura Kuenssberg makes shock Keir Starmer claim | UK | News (Reports) pronunciation
Ms Kuenssberg tweeted out the government source’s comments shortly after Sir Keir’s calls for a “circuit-breaker” lockdown over October half-term, where the Labour leader attacked Prime Mini..View article
politicmag.net politicmag.net
The Brexit Storm Continues: Laura Kuenssberg's Inside Story
Listen The Brexit Storm Continues: Laura Kuenssberg's Inside Story pronunciation
Laura Kuenssberg’s previous Brexit Storm film earlier this year pulled off quite a trick: by showing us the backstage rough-and-tumble of a political editor’s job – the off-camera chit-chat..View article
image-unavailable Radio Times
BBC journalist who 'trolled Jewish Radio 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett after she spoke out against anti-Semitism' also attacked Laura Kuenssberg and David Baddiel using his own ...
Listen BBC journalist who 'trolled Jewish Radio 5 Live presenter Emma Barnett after she spoke out against anti-Semitism' also attacked Laura Kuenssberg and David Baddiel using his own ... pronunciation
He allegedly also criticised the BBC and colleagues including Ms Kuenssberg, whose Twitter account he accused of being 'officially the Tory fan club message board' and who he urged to 'do so..View article
image-unavailable Daily Mail
Laura Kuenssberg exposes HUGE coronavirus changes in store – major announcement on Monday | UK | News (Reports)
Listen Laura Kuenssberg exposes HUGE coronavirus changes in store – major announcement on Monday | UK | News (Reports) pronunciation
The BBC journalist has highlighted seven ways the UK Government is edging towards stricter coronavirus restrictions. She said Nicola Sturgeon’s recent announcement, which will see alcohol ba..View article
politicmag.net politicmag.net
Laura Kuenssberg makes rare comment about her 'fair' salary
Listen Laura Kuenssberg makes rare comment about her 'fair' salary pronunciation
The BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg has spoken about her salary in a rare personal interview. As she works for a public broadcaster, the 44-year-old's salary details are made public..View article
image-unavailable HELLO! Magazine
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