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    Meanings for crowing

    It means a person expresses his pride in a gloating tone.
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    Wiki content for crowing

    Examples of in a sentence

    Why are analysts crowing about our crummy job market?
    Listen Why are analysts crowing about our crummy job market? pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Getting the goat, monkeying around, pigging out and crowing about it
    Listen Getting the goat, monkeying around, pigging out and crowing about it pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Tyson Foods isn't crowing over roosters following egg mess
    Listen Tyson Foods isn't crowing over roosters following egg mess pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    No point crowing about vaccination with so many deaths, says Anwar
    Listen No point crowing about vaccination with so many deaths, says Anwar pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Beloved cock shot for crowing, court case ensues
    Listen Beloved cock shot for crowing, court case ensues pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    crowing should be in sentence

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    Trending news on crowing

    Why are analysts crowing about our crummy job market?
    Listen Why are analysts crowing about our crummy job market? pronunciation
    Friday's jobs report landed with a splat. The economy created 138,000 jobs in May, which is pretty meager. And if you compare job creation over the past year to the last six months and then..View article
    image-unavailable THE WEEK
    Getting the goat, monkeying around, pigging out and crowing about it
    Listen Getting the goat, monkeying around, pigging out and crowing about it pronunciation
    1 Susie the snow-white nanny goat was almost as big a celebrity as her Grand National-winning 'stablemate' Foinavon, whose lad Cliff Booth found himself acting as part-time milkmaid. "When I..View article
    image-unavailable Racing Post
    Tyson Foods isn't crowing over roosters following egg mess
    Listen Tyson Foods isn't crowing over roosters following egg mess pronunciation
    CHICAGO - Tyson Foods is laying off a certain type of rooster from its U.S. chicken business after a surprising discovery that eggs fertilized by the male bird hatch less often, resulting in..View article
    image-unavailable Fox Business
    No point crowing about vaccination with so many deaths, says Anwar
    Listen No point crowing about vaccination with so many deaths, says Anwar pronunciation
    PETALING JAYA: The record number of Covid-19 vaccines administered in the country is hardly worth celebrating considering the high number of positive cases and deaths linked to the pandemic,..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Beloved cock shot for crowing, court case ensues
    Listen Beloved cock shot for crowing, court case ensues pronunciation
    A French cock named Marcel has amassed over 74,000 signatures on a petition protesting against his early demise after he was shot by a neighbour fed up with his crowing. The petition demandi..View article
    image-unavailable New Vision
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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