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Pronunciation of boast with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : bəʊst
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Examples of in a sentence

U.S politician Joe Biden makes controversial remark about Indian-Americans
Listen U.S politician Joe Biden makes controversial remark about Indian-Americans pronunciation
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Atlanta Hawks Boast Best Bench Players in Eastern Conference
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Microscopes Boast Large Zoom Ratio
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Combining chillwave, psychedelia, Krautrock, shoegaze, synthpop, and a few other amorphous genres, Bear in Heaven nevertheless boast a highly particular vibe—the yearning of lonely astronaut children who've somehow lost their mothers amongst the stars
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For five years it was a weekly miscellany in quarto, and afterwards an octavo monthly; it was the first American serial which could boast of so long an existence.
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Magadan Region’s deserted island to boast modern tourist complex by 2023
TASS, December 16. The Magadan Region’s authorities plan to establish a modern tourist complex on Zavyalov Island, which is incorporated into Kolyma priority development area, and upgrade th..View article
Jobs figure nothing for the government to boast about - O'Connor
December 19, 2019. Shadow Employment Minister Brendan O'Connor says that the small dip in the unemployment figures are nothing for the government to boast about, with the overall trend of un..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
BMW's 2021 electric ix3 will boast 286 hp and 354-km range
BMW’s upcoming ix3 electric crossover will offer 286 horsepower and an estimated 354 km of battery range per charge when it goes on sale in Canada in 2020, the automaker said mid-December. T..View article
driving.ca driving.ca
11 rescued, 7 missing after fishing boast sinks in east China
HANGZHOU, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- A total of 11 people were rescued and seven people missing after a fishing boat sank in the sea waters off east China's Zhejiang Province, local authorities sai..View article
Xinhua Xinhua
Will Celtic star Mohamed Elyounoussi's Rangers boast come back to haunt him? Monday Jury
Mohamed Elyounoussi reckons Celtic will 'destroy' Rangers on December 29. Will his comments come back to bite him? CRAIG: Those words may well come back to bite him if Celtic play as poorly..View article
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