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IPA : ˈklæʃɪŋ
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Examples of in a sentence

New Foodie Film Brings Clashing Cultures to the Table
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It was two different kinds of machismo clashing in Tulsa, and Gracie -- 100 pounds lighter than Severn -- somewhat miraculously persevered through the early manhandling to choke him out near the 16-minute mark
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They may have been represented or impersonated by priests in her rites as Attis was, but they were also, like him, not actual priests in the first instance, but objects of worship in which a frenzied dance, with accompaniment of flute music, the beating of tambourines, the clashing of cymbals and ca
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There is the deep pathos of the scene in which is described Rama's farewell to his mother: the rugged language depicting the horrors of the battlefield - a torrent of harsh sounds clashing against each other and reverberating from phrase to phrase; and, as occasion requires, a sententious, aphoristi
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clashing should be in sentence

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