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Examples of in a sentence

Supporters of a religious leader, Tahir ul Qadri clashed with the police late Friday after they started removal of containers from the roads placed by the authorities to stop a rally against the government scheduled for
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His keenly logical intellect, and his impatience of authority where it clashed with his own convictions, quite unfitted him for that unquestioning obedience which the Church demanded.
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These two men, antipodal in temperament and political belief, clashed in irreconcilable hostility, and in the conflict of public sentiment, first on the financial measures of Hamilton, and then on the questions with regard to France and Great Britain, Jefferson's sympathies being predominantly with
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A fortnight later his consort Caroline arrived, and soon showed a vigour and restlessness of spirit which frequently clashed with the dictates of her brother, the emperor and the showy, unsteady policy of her consort.
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Policemen armed with shields, truncheon, and water cannon clashed with thousands of leftwing protesters Monday who tried to march towards the Batasang Pambansa to show disgust over the fifth State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Aquino III
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