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Meanings for Bezzina

He is a Maltese football player who plays as a midfielder for the team Mosta F.C.
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Wiki content for Bezzina

Examples of in a sentence

No case to answer: No charges for Toni Bezzina in corruption probe
Listen No case to answer: No charges for Toni Bezzina in corruption probe pronunciation
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Hibernians president Tony Bezzina dies, aged 72
Listen Hibernians president Tony Bezzina dies, aged 72 pronunciation
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Toni Bezzina cleared following corruption probe
Listen Toni Bezzina cleared following corruption probe pronunciation
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PN MP Toni Bezzina faces police interrogation over corruption claims
Listen PN MP Toni Bezzina faces police interrogation over corruption claims pronunciation
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Toni Bezzina claims political frame-up after being interrogated by police
Listen Toni Bezzina claims political frame-up after being interrogated by police pronunciation
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Trending news on Bezzina

Toni Bezzina claims political frame-up after being interrogated by police
Listen Toni Bezzina claims political frame-up after being interrogated by police pronunciation
Opposition MP Toni Bezzina on Monday said he is the victim of a political frame-up after he was interrogated by police for nearly four hours over suspected corruption. Bezzina, the Nationali..View article
image-unavailable Times of Malta
PN MP Toni Bezzina faces police interrogation over corruption claims
Listen PN MP Toni Bezzina faces police interrogation over corruption claims pronunciation
Bezzina, the Nationalist Party transportation shadow minister, arrived at the Financial Crime Investigation Department shortly after 2pm on Monday accompanied by his lawyer Joe Giglio. It is..View article
image-unavailable Times of Malta
Toni Bezzina cleared following corruption probe
Listen Toni Bezzina cleared following corruption probe pronunciation
Bezzina, the Nationalist Party transportation shadow minister, was informed by police on Saturday that after some four weeks of investigations, the police had decided there was no case again..View article
image-unavailable Times of Malta
Hibernians president Tony Bezzina dies, aged 72
Listen Hibernians president Tony Bezzina dies, aged 72 pronunciation
Tony Bezzina, who served as president of Hibernians FC for more than four decades, died on Monday aged 72. Bezzina was a huge figure in Maltese football and the longest-serving president in..View article
image-unavailable Times of Malta
No case to answer: No charges for Toni Bezzina in corruption probe
Listen No case to answer: No charges for Toni Bezzina in corruption probe pronunciation
The police investigation into Nationalist MP Anthony Bezzina has been closed and no charges will be brought against him. Bezzina was alleged to have coerced government employees in the Publi..View article
image-unavailable Malta Today

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Translations of Bezzina

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