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Phonetic spelling of zenaida

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Meanings for zenaida

It is a Greek feminine name that means "Life of Zeus".
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Wiki content for zenaida

Zenaida - Zenaida (Greek name meaning "Life of Zeus.") Zenaide (Italian), Zénaïde (French), or Zinaida (Russian: Зинаида).It is a personal name used in many cultures used for women.
Zenaida Yanowsky - Zenaida Yanowsky, Lady Keenlyside is a French-born Spanish ballet dancer and a former principal dancer with the Royal Ballet in London.
Zenaida Moya - Zenaida Victoria Moya is a former mayor of Belize City, Belize, first elected in elections held in March 2006. She is a former member of the United Democratic Party (UDP).
Zenaida Ybañez-Chavez - Zenaida Ybañez-Chavez (born 1970 or 1971) is a retired volleyball player who played for the Philippine national team and current coach at the Philippine Super Liga.
Zenaida dove - The zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita) is a member of the bird family Columbidae, which includes doves and pigeons.
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Examples of in a sentence

Great Atlantic Announces the sudden Passing of Zenaida Manalo
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Explorex Mourns the Loss of CFO Zenaida Manalo
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Zenaida Gonzalez
Listen Zenaida Gonzalez pronunciation
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Tribute to Zenaida Delica-Willison’s contribution to disaster risk reduction
Listen Tribute to Zenaida Delica-Willison’s contribution to disaster risk reduction pronunciation
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Zenaida Vilches Nieto
Listen Zenaida Vilches Nieto pronunciation
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Trending news on zenaida

Zenaida Vilches Nieto
Listen Zenaida Vilches Nieto pronunciation
Zenaida Vilches Nieto, 70, of Pasco, died June 3 at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. She was born in Hidalgo, Mexico, and lived in the Tri-City area for 17 years.
image-unavailable Tri-City Herald
Tribute to Zenaida Delica-Willison’s contribution to disaster risk reduction
Listen Tribute to Zenaida Delica-Willison’s contribution to disaster risk reduction pronunciation
The webinar in Tribute to Zenaida Delica-Willison’s Contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction was organised by the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) and the Research Network on D..View article
image-unavailable Prevention Web
Zenaida Gonzalez
Listen Zenaida Gonzalez pronunciation
Casey Anthony Maintains Mysterious Baby Sitter Was Real In a deposition related to her ongoing bankruptcy proceedings, Casey Anthony maintained that a baby sitter she claimed took her daught..View article
image-unavailable CBS Miami
Explorex Mourns the Loss of CFO Zenaida Manalo
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 8, 2018) - Explorex Resources Inc. (CSE: EX) (FSE: 1XE) (the "Company" or "Explorex") The Board of Directors of Explorex are saddened t..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Zenaida Quitevis
Zenaida Quitevis, 82, of Wapato passed away Friday, June 1, 2018 at her home in Wapato. She was born May 26, 1936 in Alcala, Pangasinan, Philippines. She attended the University of the East..View article
Yakima Herald-Republic Yakima Herald-Republic
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jeh-see ai-zuhn-buhg
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