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Learn Zacchaeus pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Zacchaeus in English

    Phonetic spelling of Zacchaeus

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    Meanings for Zacchaeus

    Zacchaeus is an ancient Greek male given name. In the olden days there was chief tax collector named Zacchaeus, who was mentioned only in the Gospel of Luke.
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    Wiki content for Zacchaeus

    Zacchaeus - Zacchaeus (sometimes spelled or Zaccheus, Ancient Greek: Ζακχαῖος, Zakkhaîos; Arabic: زكّا; Hebrew: זכי‎, "pure", "innocent"), was a chief tax-collector at Jericho, mentioned only in the Gosp
    Zacchaeus (song) - Zacchaeus, sometimes Zaccheus, or Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man, or other variations, is a traditional Christian children's song.
    Zacchaeus Okoth - Mgr. Zacchaeus Okoth (born 5 July 1942) is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Kisumu in Kenya.
    Zacchaeus of Jerusalem - Saint Zacchaeus of Jerusalem (died 116 AD?) is a 2nd-century Christian saint venerated by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
    Zacchaeus Chesoni - Zacchaeus Chesoni (born - died September 5, 1999) was Chief Justice of Kenya and chairman of the Electoral Commission.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Who Was Zacchaeus? 5 Ways We Can All Relate to His Story in the Bible
    Listen Who Was Zacchaeus? 5 Ways We Can All Relate to His Story in the Bible pronunciation
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    Zacchaeus, the tax collector
    Listen Zacchaeus, the tax collector pronunciation
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    ‘Zacchaeus’ and the Perils of a Tax Collector, By Azu Ishiekwene
    Listen ‘Zacchaeus’ and the Perils of a Tax Collector, By Azu Ishiekwene pronunciation
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    Zacchaeus Holt v. The State
    Listen Zacchaeus Holt v. The State pronunciation
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    ‘Zacchaeus’ and the perils of a tax collector
    Listen ‘Zacchaeus’ and the perils of a tax collector pronunciation
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    Translations of Zacchaeus

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    Trending news on Zacchaeus

    Zacchaeus, the tax collector
    Listen Zacchaeus, the tax collector pronunciation
    It is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time and today’s gospel reading is about Zacchaeus, the tax collector, written in Luke 19:1-10. As we learned from this story, Zacchaeus was not just a simp..View article
    philstar.com philstar.com
    ‘Zacchaeus’ and the Perils of a Tax Collector, By Azu Ishiekwene
    Listen ‘Zacchaeus’ and the Perils of a Tax Collector, By Azu Ishiekwene pronunciation
    Whichever way the government decides, the peddling of the long knives that started with Zacchaeus in Jericho won’t end with Fowler. But the government’s answer will send an important message..View article
    Premium Times Premium Times
    Nigeria: 'Zacchaeus' and the Perils of a Tax Collector
    Listen Nigeria: 'Zacchaeus' and the Perils of a Tax Collector pronunciation
    Whichever way the government decides, the peddling of the long knives that started with Zacchaeus in Jericho won't end with Fowler. But the government's answer will send an important message..View article
    AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
    LESLIE CRISS: Jonah, Zacchaeus spark memories of Vacation Bible School
    It was my favorite: the story of Zacchaeus, the tiny, tax collector who climbed a tree in order to better see Jesus. My co-captain jumped from the rocking boat with a force that made it flip..View article
    djournal.com djournal.com
    Life Lessons from Jesus and Zacchaeus
    Listen Life Lessons from Jesus and Zacchaeus pronunciation
    One of the most popular stories, especially for kids, is the story of Zacchaeus. He was a small man who had a great desire to see Jesus. His encounter with Jesus teaches us some lessons for..View article
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