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Meanings for younkers

An American Online retail company was founded by Lipman Younker, Marcus Younker, Samuel Younker in 1856.
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Wiki content for younkers

Younkers - Younkers Inc. is an American online retailer and former department store chain founded as a family-run dry goods business in 1856 in Keokuk, Iowa.
Yonkers, New York - Yonkers () is a city in Westchester County, New York. It is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. state of New York, behind New York City, Buffalo, and Rochester.
Yonkers Fire Department - The Yonkers Fire Department (YFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical services to the city of Yonkers, New York, United States.
Yonkers Raceway & Empire City Casino - Yonkers Raceway & Empire City Casino, founded in 1899 as the Empire City Race Track, is a one-half-mile standardbred harness racing dirt track and slots racino located at the intersection of
Youngers - Youngers is a British comedy drama series created by Benjamin Kuffuor and Levi David Addai. It began airing on E4 on 20 March 2013. It is produced by Big Talk Productions.
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