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Meanings for Yemisi

Nigerian feminine name. A notable person includes Yemisi Aribisala, a Nigerian essayist.
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Examples of in a sentence

Pastor Mathew and Yemisi Ashimolowo set to fete 21,000 widows
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Growing up with male siblings made me strong –Yemisi Adeogun, LADGOS President
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Pomp, Encomiums As Yemisi Suswam Bags Fellow Of NIA
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Yemisi Fancy I Thought I Would Be That Lawyer Just Passionate about the Arts But…
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In Conversation with > Yemisi Iranloye, CEO of Psaltry International
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Trending news on Yemisi

Yemisi Fancy I Thought I Would Be That Lawyer Just Passionate about the Arts But…
I love music, film, dance, I can be an introvert but my line of work and business require me to be an extrovert. Yemisi Fancy is a brand which is quite versatile; it’s a brand that exudes fu..View article
image-unavailable This Day
In Conversation with > Yemisi Iranloye, CEO of Psaltry International
This month, we spoke with Yemisi Iranloye, CEO of Psaltry International (PIL). Yemisi and the PIL team impressed us with the speed of their responsiveness to the results from their Lean Data..View article
Medium Medium
Dr Yemisi Akinbobola on women being visible in their area of expertise
She might not have had much to work with in the beginning but Dr Yemisi was determined to leave her mark and ensure that her legacy outlived her. Besides starting her own media company, IQ4..View article
standardmedia.co.ke standardmedia.co.ke
Accolades for Late Yemisi Oseni, the Iya Ijo
As arrangements round off for the funeral ceremony of late Mrs Yemisi Abigail Oseni, nee Ukannah, which takes place today, Friday September 6, 2019 at Adeola Oduntola Hall, No 204 Folagbade..View article
image-unavailable This Day
Pastor Mathew and Yemisi Ashimolowo set to fete 21,000 widows
The Senior Pastor, Kingsway International Christian Center, KICC, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, and wife, Yemisi, are set to celebrate 21,000 widows at their annual widows’ event holding January..View article
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