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Phonetic spelling of Yanan

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Meanings for Yanan

It is a Chinese unisex name.
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a language group of the Hokan family
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Quiz on Yanan


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Wiki content for Yanan

Yana language - The Yana language (also Yanan) was formerly spoken by the Yana people, who lived in north-central California between the Feather and Pit rivers in what is now the Shasta and Tehama counties.
Yan'an Forum - The Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art (simplified Chinese: 延安文艺座谈会; traditional Chinese: 延安文藝座談會; pinyin: Yán'ān Wén Yì Zuòtánhuì) was a May 1942 forum held at the city of Yan'an in Communis
Yanantin - Yanantin is one of the best known and most defining characteristics of indigenous South American Andean thought and exemplifies Andean adherence to a philosophical model based in what is ofte
Yan'an faction - The Yan'an faction (Korean: 연안파; Hanja: 延安派; RR: yeonanpa) were a group of pro-China communists in the North Korean government after the division of Korea following World War II.
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Translations of Yanan

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