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Phonetic spelling of yael

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Meanings for yael

It is a feminine name that is of Hebrew origin.
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Wiki content for yael

Yael Averbuch - Yael Averbuch West (born November 3, 1986) is the executive director of the National Women's Soccer League Players Association.
Yael Grobglas - Yael Grobglas (Hebrew: יעל גרובגלס‎; born 31 May 1984) is an Israeli actress, best known for her roles as Petra Solano and her twin sister Anežka on The CW's television series Jane the Virgin
Yael Stone - Yael Stone (born 6 March 1985) is an Australian actress. She has worked extensively in Australian theatre and has won two Sydney Theatre Awards.
Yael Naim - Yael Naïm (Hebrew: יעל נעים‎, born 6 February 1978 in Paris, France), is an Israeli-French singer-songwriter.
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Examples of in a sentence

Yael Eckstein: Anti-Semitism worsening in US and Europe – Christians and Jews must unite to fight it
Listen Yael Eckstein: Anti-Semitism worsening in US and Europe – Christians and Jews must unite to fight it pronunciation
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Loved-up pensioner melts hearts by declaring his wife, 66, is better looking than Yael Shelbia
Listen Loved-up pensioner melts hearts by declaring his wife, 66, is better looking than Yael Shelbia pronunciation
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Israeli Star Yael Shelbia Named 2020's Most Beautiful Face In The World
Listen Israeli Star Yael Shelbia Named 2020's Most Beautiful Face In The World pronunciation
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Who is Yael Shelbia? Israeli teen named 'most beautiful face' in the world: 'I’ve never come first at anything'
Listen Who is Yael Shelbia? Israeli teen named 'most beautiful face' in the world: 'I’ve never come first at anything' pronunciation
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Yael Shelbia: 19-year-old crowned most beautiful woman of 2020
Listen Yael Shelbia: 19-year-old crowned most beautiful woman of 2020 pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of yael

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Trending news on yael

Yael Weil
Listen Yael Weil pronunciation
Founded in 1898, the Orthodox Union, (OU), serves as the voice of American Orthodox Jewry, with over 400 congregations in its synagogue network. As the umbrella organization for American Ort..View article
image-unavailable Orthodox Union
Israeli Model Yael Shelbia Hopes to ‘Extend Peace in the Middle East’ After Her UAE Magazine Cover Shoot
Listen Israeli Model Yael Shelbia Hopes to ‘Extend Peace in the Middle East’ After Her UAE Magazine Cover Shoot pronunciation
Get our exclusive daily news briefing. Tel Aviv-based model Yael Shelbia says she has high hopes for the future of the Middle East, after becoming the first Israeli to appear on the cover of..View article
image-unavailable Algemeiner
Yael Shelbia: 19-year-old crowned most beautiful woman of 2020
Listen Yael Shelbia: 19-year-old crowned most beautiful woman of 2020 pronunciation
Yael Shelbia, 19, is not new to the limelight as she has worked with big brands such as Kim Kardashian's KKW - The Israeli model was crowned the most beautiful woman of 2020 by the annual TC..View article
image-unavailable MSN
Who is Yael Shelbia? Israeli teen named 'most beautiful face' in the world: 'I’ve never come first at anything'
Listen Who is Yael Shelbia? Israeli teen named 'most beautiful face' in the world: 'I’ve never come first at anything' pronunciation
Shelbia was placed third on the '100 Most Beautiful Faces of the Year' in 2018 and was given the second spot in 2019
Meaww Meaww
Israeli Star Yael Shelbia Named 2020's Most Beautiful Face In The World
Listen Israeli Star Yael Shelbia Named 2020's Most Beautiful Face In The World pronunciation
The runner-up at number two was Thai rapper Lisa (Lalisa Manoban), while third place went to Aussie model Meika Woollard
LADbible LADbible
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