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Pronunciation of Wrangler with 6 audio pronunciations
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IPA : ˈræŋglə
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Meanings for Wrangler

someone who argues noisily or angrily
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It is an American jeans company that is known to manufacture the best quality jeans in the world.
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Wiki content for Wrangler

Wrangler - Wrangler may refer to:
Wrangler (jeans) - Wrangler is an American manufacturer of jeans and other clothing items, particularly workwear. The brand is owned by Kontoor Brands Inc., which also owns Lee.
Wrangler (University of Cambridge) - At the University of Cambridge in England, a "Wrangler" is a student who gains first-class honours in the third year of the University's undergraduate degree in mathematics.
Wrangler Brutes - The Wrangler Brutes were an American hardcore punk band formed in 2003 in Los Angeles, California.
Wrangler (profession) - In North America, a wrangler is someone employed to handle animals professionally, especially horses, but sometimes other types of animals as well.
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Examples of in a sentence

Outdoor notes: Three Nebraskans qualify for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo; Tips for ice fishing
Listen Outdoor notes: Three Nebraskans qualify for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo; Tips for ice fishing pronunciation
91 ratings rating ratings
Craig Morgan Local Crew Wrangler T-Shirt
Listen Craig Morgan Local Crew Wrangler T-Shirt pronunciation
85 ratings rating ratings
Evergreen Jeep Wrangler still the off-road icon
Listen Evergreen Jeep Wrangler still the off-road icon pronunciation
78 ratings rating ratings
In town for Wrangler National Finals Rodeo? Enjoy your down time with our quick guide
Listen In town for Wrangler National Finals Rodeo? Enjoy your down time with our quick guide pronunciation
72 ratings rating ratings
2020 Jeep Wrangler EcoDiesel: An In-Depth Look Under The Hood
Listen 2020 Jeep Wrangler EcoDiesel: An In-Depth Look Under The Hood pronunciation
65 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Wrangler

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Trending news on Wrangler

Auto review: Jeep Wrangler finally has a diesel engine: Here’s what’s great about it
Listen Auto review: Jeep Wrangler finally has a diesel engine: Here’s what’s great about it pronunciation
There's never been a diesel-powered Jeep Wrangler before, but after 20 minutes behind the wheel of the new 2020 Wrangler EcoDiesel, it's hard not to ask yourself, "What took 'em so long?" De..View article
Evergreen Jeep Wrangler still the off-road icon
Listen Evergreen Jeep Wrangler still the off-road icon pronunciation
The Jeep Wrangler, and to be more specific the short-wheel base 3.6 Sahara we had on test recently. The new version was released locally earlier this year after its debut in the US in 2017...View article
The Citizen The Citizen
In town for Wrangler National Finals Rodeo? Enjoy your down time with our quick guide
Listen In town for Wrangler National Finals Rodeo? Enjoy your down time with our quick guide pronunciation
4. Tomahawk feast (MB Steak, Hard Rock Hotel) Grab a group of 10-12 friends or family members (or fellow Wrangler National Finals Rodeo fans) and get ready to enjoy one of the most over-the-..View article
Las Vegas Magazine Las Vegas Magazine
2020 Jeep Wrangler EcoDiesel: An In-Depth Look Under The Hood
Listen 2020 Jeep Wrangler EcoDiesel: An In-Depth Look Under The Hood pronunciation
The 2020 Jeep Wrangler EcoDiesel is on its way to dealers. Jeep says the models are in response to consumer demand. The new EcoDiesel has some pretty cool features to boost torque. Well this..View article
Automoblog.net Automoblog.net
2019 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo bring cowboys, entertainment, shopping to Las Vegas
Listen 2019 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo bring cowboys, entertainment, shopping to Las Vegas pronunciation
The 2019 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo is back in Las Vegas Dec. 5 through 14. NFR is the season-ending championship event for the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association and is widely ackno..View article
KTNV Las Vegas KTNV Las Vegas
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