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Pronunciation of woollen with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈwʊlən
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Phonetic spelling of woollen

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Meanings for woollen

Woollen is a word that means clothes and other materials made of wool.
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Synonyms for woollen

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Learn more about the word "woollen" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Collections on woollen

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Wiki content for woollen

Woolen - Woolen (American English) or woollen (Commonwealth English) is a type of yarn made from carded wool. Woolen yarn is soft, light, stretchy, and full of air.
Woollen, Molzan and Partners - Woollen, Molzan and Partners (WMP) is a U.S.-based second-generation architecture, interior design, and planning firm that Evans Woollen III founded in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1955. The fir
Woollen industry in Wales - The woollen industry in Wales was at times the country's most important industry, though it often struggled to compete with the better-funded woollen mills in the north of England, and almost
Woollen Gymnasium - Woollen Gymnasium was the home of the University of North Carolina's physical education classes from 1937, and the North Carolina Tar Heels men's basketball team from early 1938. The Gymnasiu
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Translations of woollen

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