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Phonetic spelling of Wittels

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Meanings for Wittels

An American comedian and attained huge recognition for his role in the movie Don't Stop or We'll Die.
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Quiz on Wittels


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Wiki content for Wittels

Wittels - Wittels is a surname.
Wittelsbach-class battleship - The Wittelsbach-class battleships were a group of five pre-dreadnought battleships built for the German Kaiserliche Marine (Imperial Navy) in the early 1900s.
Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond - The Wittelsbach-Graff Diamond is a 31.06-carat (6.212 g) deep-blue diamond with internally flawless clarity.
Wittelshofen - Wittelshofen is a municipality in the district of Ansbach in Bavaria in Germany.
Wittelsbacher Tower (Bad Kissingen) - The Wittelsbacher Jubiläumsturm is a look-out at the "Scheinberg", a hill which is 400 metres high and located in Arnshausen, a quarter of the German spa town of Bad Kissingen.
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Examples of in a sentence

Harris Wittels, Parks and Recreation executive producer, found dead aged 30
Listen Harris Wittels, Parks and Recreation executive producer, found dead aged 30 pronunciation
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K. Oanh Ha and Jack Wittels
Listen K. Oanh Ha and Jack Wittels pronunciation
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FIU baseball star Wittels charged with rape
Listen FIU baseball star Wittels charged with rape pronunciation
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Trending news on Wittels

FIU baseball star Wittels charged with rape
Listen FIU baseball star Wittels charged with rape pronunciation
Garrett Wittels was accused of raping a 17-year-old teenage tourist on Dec. 20 while on a visit to the archipelago east of Florida. The 20-year-old infielder ended last season with the secon..View article
image-unavailable Tahoe Daily Tribune.com
K. Oanh Ha and Jack Wittels
Listen K. Oanh Ha and Jack Wittels pronunciation
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