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    Meanings for wiping

    It is a type of process by rubbing with a piece of cloth or paper to make a place clean and dry.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Kimberly-Clark Professional Wiping and Application Solutions Solve Aviation Surface ...
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    When Anushka Sharma scolded Ranbir Kapoor for digging his nose, wiping his finger on her 'bhaade ke kapde'. Watch
    Listen When Anushka Sharma scolded Ranbir Kapoor for digging his nose, wiping his finger on her 'bhaade ke kapde'. Watch pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Jim Cramer Says Amazon Is Wiping the Floor With Walmart
    Listen Jim Cramer Says Amazon Is Wiping the Floor With Walmart pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Putin launches submarine with nukes capable of wiping out US cities in chilling warning to Biden
    Listen Putin launches submarine with nukes capable of wiping out US cities in chilling warning to Biden pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    How wiping your bum is helping solve some of world’s biggest sanitation issues
    Listen How wiping your bum is helping solve some of world’s biggest sanitation issues pronunciation
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on wiping

    UPDATE 2-Sterling falls, wiping out the week's gains versus the dollar
    Listen UPDATE 2-Sterling falls, wiping out the week's gains versus the dollar pronunciation
    LONDON, April 22 (Reuters) - Sterling fell on Thursday, erasing the week’s gains against the dollar, as investors weighed up the outlook for an economic recovery in Britain. After a short ....View article
    image-unavailable Reuters
    Netflix share price plummets as Covid subscriber boom ends, wiping billions off company’s value
    Listen Netflix share price plummets as Covid subscriber boom ends, wiping billions off company’s value pronunciation
    Netflix has reported a shuddering slowdown in subscribers in the first three months of 2021, ending a run of record growth during the coronavirus pandemic. The video-streaming giant saw $25b..View article
    i i
    Prosecutors unseal footage showing Officer Brian Sicknick sprayed with chemicals, wiping eyes during Capitol riot
    Listen Prosecutors unseal footage showing Officer Brian Sicknick sprayed with chemicals, wiping eyes during Capitol riot pronunciation
    The videos had been played in court proceedings related to the federal case against George Tanios and Julian Khater, both of whom are charged with conspiring to assault Officer Brian Sicknic..View article
    CBS News on MSN.com CBS News on MSN.com
    Biden, COVID and Congress: Biden Had Hand-to-Hand Contact With 8 People Before Repeatedly Wiping His Mouth
    Listen Biden, COVID and Congress: Biden Had Hand-to-Hand Contact With 8 People Before Repeatedly Wiping His Mouth pronunciation
    When a masked President Joe Biden entered the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday to deliver his address to a limited number of senators and congressmen—as the video be..View article
    CNSNews.com CNSNews.com
    Capitol cop Brian Sicknick seen being sprayed with ‘chemical’ and wiping his eyes in unsealed riot video before death
    Listen Capitol cop Brian Sicknick seen being sprayed with ‘chemical’ and wiping his eyes in unsealed riot video before death pronunciation
    PREVIOUSLY sealed footage of Officer Brian Sicknick defending the U.S. Capitol during the January 6 riot was released on Wednesday. Sicknick, who died a day after the riots, can be seen in t..View article
    image-unavailable The Sun
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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