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Pronunciation of wily with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈwaɪlɪ
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Wiki content for wily

Examples of in a sentence

Who exactly was Chanakya, the ancient genius that wily Indian politicians are being compared with?
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Preston fan Tim Mercer felt Alex Neil's men did well to defeat a wily and crafty Luton outfit
42 ratings rating ratings
Heartwarming moment 'wily old vets' release a fox after it gets its head stuck in a CAR WHEEL
32 ratings rating ratings
Update: Wily Fairbanks goat allegedly captured
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Wily coyote that attacked 2 on Rutgers University campus has eluded capture
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Trending news on wily

Somen Mitra a wily politician who forged friendships with rivals but failed to check Cong's decline
Listen Somen Mitra a wily politician who forged friendships with rivals but failed to check Cong's decline pronunciation
West Bengal Congress chief Somen Mitra, who died on Thursday, will go down in history as a leader who could make friends with rival
image-unavailable The Week
And finally, five of the Quickest Hits from Commish Hummel's Monday chat: QUESTION: Do you have a guess at rotation order to start the season? COMMISH: My guess for the first weekend of game..View article
Anniston Star Anniston Star
COVID-19: When will humans outsmart the wily foe?
Listen COVID-19: When will humans outsmart the wily foe? pronunciation
has said that parallel efforts to design, test and produce many vaccines will probably yield at least one by year’s end. Until then, this wily foe has time on its side and some proven tricks..View article
image-unavailable The Gulf Today
Wijayanto and JI: Wily terrorist encouraged avoidance of technology
Listen Wijayanto and JI: Wily terrorist encouraged avoidance of technology pronunciation
Para Wijayanto has a degree in civil engineering. He joined Jemaah Islamiah (JI) in the mid-1990s while he was in Central Java and working at a local packaging company. In 1998, he became a..View article
The Straits Times The Straits Times
Corona is a wily opponent; you need to fight it with positivity: Sumalatha Ambareesh
Listen Corona is a wily opponent; you need to fight it with positivity: Sumalatha Ambareesh pronunciation
Corona is a very wily opponent; you need to fight it and get over it. The key is to stay positive, otherwise it is very easy to give in and lose hope. I went through the full 18-day quaranti..View article
image-unavailable Indiatimes
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