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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈwiːkən
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Examples of in a sentence

Changes In The Japanese Ministry Of Finance To Weaken Yen?
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(AP) — Scientists say there's been a significant reduction in the amount of Nevada forest under assault from bark beetles and similar bugs, but they fear lingering drought will further weaken trees and make them more susceptible to future attacks
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The next step was to endeavour so to modify and weaken the virus as to enable it to be used as a preventive or as an antitoxin.
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While Irenaeus held fast the traditional eschatological beliefs, yet his conception of the Christian salvation as a deification of man tended to weaken their hold on Christian thought.
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The prisoner\s resistance weakened after seven days
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Trending news on weaken

Trade winds are expected to weaken
Listen Trade winds are expected to weaken pronunciation
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Trade winds will begin to weaken tonight and will become light to moderate on Sunday and Monday. Winds may be light enough for afternoon sea breezes over select leeward ar..View article
YouTube TV, FuboTV Weaken the Case for vMVPDs
Listen YouTube TV, FuboTV Weaken the Case for vMVPDs pronunciation
The circle of virtual MVPD life: Add channels, raise prices, and pray for forgiveness. This time around, YouTube TV and FuboTV are the vMVPD perpetrators in question. Both since yesterday ha..View article
Variety Variety
Maryland senator says Trump visa freeze will ‘further weaken’ economy; crab, tourism industries are hampered
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President Donald Trump’s freezing of visas for temporary foreign workers will “further weaken” the national economy and deny tourism and other important Maryland industries the staff they ....View article
The Baltimore Sun The Baltimore Sun
SCOTUS rules Trump can weaken Obamacare contraceptive mandate
Listen SCOTUS rules Trump can weaken Obamacare contraceptive mandate pronunciation
The Supreme Court cleared the way for the Trump administration to expand exemptions for employers who have religious or moral objections to complying with the Affordable Care Act's contracep..View article
News & Record News & Record
Second Wave of Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Weaken Insurers’ Capital Buffers: S&P
Listen Second Wave of Coronavirus Lockdowns Could Weaken Insurers’ Capital Buffers: S&P pronunciation
Global insurers have proven resilient during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, as their capital strength has helped stave off widespread
Insurance Journal Insurance Journal
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