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Wayne shorter

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Examples of in a sentence

Assured and compelling, Wayne Shorter's relentless quest for truth
Listen Assured and compelling, Wayne Shorter's relentless quest for truth pronunciation
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With 'Emanon,' Jazz Elder Wayne Shorter Grandly Sweeps The Stars
Listen With 'Emanon,' Jazz Elder Wayne Shorter Grandly Sweeps The Stars pronunciation
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Wayne Shorter
Listen Wayne Shorter pronunciation
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Sting and Wayne Shorter win Polar Music Prize
Listen Sting and Wayne Shorter win Polar Music Prize pronunciation
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Trending news on Wayne shorter

Sting and Wayne Shorter win Polar Music Prize
Listen Sting and Wayne Shorter win Polar Music Prize pronunciation
Rock star Sting and jazz saxophonist Wayne Shorter have won the 2017 Polar Music Prize, which was announced early Tuesday. Sting, real name Gordon Sumner, was praised not only for his long s..View article
image-unavailable Sveriges Radio
Wayne Shorter
Listen Wayne Shorter pronunciation
Saxophonist. He first came to public attention as a member of Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers in 1959, but by that time Wayne Shorter had already gathered plenty of musical experience. He had s..View article
image-unavailable BBC
With 'Emanon,' Jazz Elder Wayne Shorter Grandly Sweeps The Stars
Listen With 'Emanon,' Jazz Elder Wayne Shorter Grandly Sweeps The Stars pronunciation
Wayne Shorter likes to tell a story about going to see Charlie Parker, the mercurial titan of bebop, sometime around 1951. Shorter was 18 at the time — a saxophonist, like Parker, and a bop..View article
image-unavailable NPR
Assured and compelling, Wayne Shorter's relentless quest for truth
Listen Assured and compelling, Wayne Shorter's relentless quest for truth pronunciation
That he failed in his quest didn't cause Wayne Shorter too much angst because he already saw art as a doorway to adventures of a more internal sort. Chasing girls was put on hold while he co..View article
Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Morning Herald

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