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Pronunciation of wacky with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈwækɪ
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Examples of in a sentence

So You Want to Rule a Kingdom? A Wacky History of One
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Twins reliever Sergio Romo keeps it lively in his wacky, lively world
Listen Twins reliever Sergio Romo keeps it lively in his wacky, lively world pronunciation
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LET’S GET WACKY: Heather Forster optimistic for Peetz volleyball
Listen LET’S GET WACKY: Heather Forster optimistic for Peetz volleyball pronunciation
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You can rent this wacky mushroom house in the woods upstate
Listen You can rent this wacky mushroom house in the woods upstate pronunciation
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Breakingviews - Tesla’s wacky valuation has a link to reality
Listen Breakingviews - Tesla’s wacky valuation has a link to reality pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of wacky

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Trending news on wacky

Book World: A look back at the wacky, colorful history of election ballot design
Listen Book World: A look back at the wacky, colorful history of election ballot design pronunciation
A Visual History of the Printed Ballot By Alicia Yin Cheng Princeton Architectural Press. 176 pp. $29.95 --- We tend not to think much about election ballot design unless something goes awry..View article
StamfordAdvocate StamfordAdvocate
The wacky forces of Gintama are the latest to invade King of Fighters Allstar in new crossover campaign
Listen The wacky forces of Gintama are the latest to invade King of Fighters Allstar in new crossover campaign pronunciation
The wacky forces of Gintama are the latest to invade King of Fighters Allstar in new crossover campaign Posted by Dakota 'DarkHorse' Hills • 1 minute ago | Comments: 0
Event Hubs Event Hubs
Twins reliever Sergio Romo keeps it lively in his wacky, lively world
Listen Twins reliever Sergio Romo keeps it lively in his wacky, lively world pronunciation
Baseball scouts showed little interest in the Twins reliever out of high school or college because he's smallish in size with a fastball that lacks sizzle. Yet he's in his 13th MLB season wi..View article
StarTribune StarTribune
Debbie Hickman's "The Exasperated Clock" is a wacky kid's tale for kids and parents alike
Listen Debbie Hickman's "The Exasperated Clock" is a wacky kid's tale for kids and parents alike pronunciation
In “The Exasperated Clock,” the 12 numbers on the clock are silly, noisy, and irresponsible. Consequently, the Clock decides to throw each of the numbers off
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
Allan Lieberman's New Novel "Coronavirus Light" is a Wacky Look at a World Turned Topsy Turvy
Listen Allan Lieberman's New Novel "Coronavirus Light" is a Wacky Look at a World Turned Topsy Turvy pronunciation
Allan Lieberman’s novel, "Coronavirus Light," is a satirical piece on the social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
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