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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈvɒlɪ
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Champions League round of sixteen—first leg results
    Listen Champions League round of sixteen—first leg results pronunciation
    25 ratings rating ratings
    Scottish Premier League: Celtic thump Hearts 5-0
    Listen Scottish Premier League: Celtic thump Hearts 5-0 pronunciation
    23 ratings rating ratings
    Argentina score in extra-time; beat Mexico, get to quarter-finals
    Listen Argentina score in extra-time; beat Mexico, get to quarter-finals pronunciation
    18 ratings rating ratings
    Chelsea come from behind to defeat Porto
    Listen Chelsea come from behind to defeat Porto pronunciation
    16 ratings rating ratings
    Day of attacks continue in Israel and Lebanon
    Listen Day of attacks continue in Israel and Lebanon pronunciation
    12 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Trending news on volley

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    Listen Benzema volley pegs back Chelsea to leave semi-final in the balance pronunciation
    Karim Benzema came to Real Madrid's rescue again on Tuesday, his acrobatic volley earning them a 1-1 draw against an impressive Chelsea side in the first leg of the Champions League semi-fin..View article
    image-unavailable France 24
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    Listen UEFA Champions League | Benzema volley pegs back Chelsea to leave semi-final in the balance pronunciation
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    Listen PNVF beach volley chief lauds Ilocos’ ‘sports resiliency’ pronunciation
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    Listen Champions League: Karim Benzema's volley earns Real Madrid 1-1 draw to leave semi-final tie against Chelsea in balance pronunciation
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