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    Meanings for Vivienne

    A famous British fashion designer who is known for her artwork Installation view, tartan suit.
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    Wiki content for Vivienne

    Vivienne Westwood - Dame Vivienne Isabel Westwood (née Swire; born 8 April 1941) is a British fashion designer and businesswoman, largely responsible for bringing modern punk and new wave fashions into the main
    Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot - Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot (28 May 1888 – 22 January 1947) was the first wife of American poet T. S. Eliot, whom she wed in 1915, while he was studying at Oxford.
    Vivienne Tam - Vivienne Tam (simplified Chinese: 谭燕玉; traditional Chinese: 譚燕玉; pinyin: Tán Yànyù) is a fashion designer based in New York City.
    Vivienne Binns - Vivienne Joyce Binns OAM (born 6 November 1940) is an Australian artist known for her contribution to the Women's Art Movement in Australia and her active advocacy within community arts.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Millions of fans of photographer, Vivienne Gucwa, are sharing in her success following the worldwide release of her ...
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    Following previous designs by Vivienne Westwood and Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin is the latest prominent British figure to use the music award as canvas Tracey Emin’s design for the Brit awards statue has been unveiled, ahead of the ceremony which takes place in February 2015
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    Vivienne Westwood: People who can't afford organic food should eat less
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    Vivienne Westwood DENIES telling the poor to 'eat less' if they can't afford organic food
    0 rating rating ratings
    Vivienne Westwood 'Eat Less' Row Gets Even More Awkward
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    Trending news on Vivienne

    Call for action by Vivienne Parry after fatal accident at ...
    Listen Call for action by Vivienne Parry after fatal accident at ... pronunciation
    A FATAL collision at an accident blackspot has further reinforced the need for action to be taken. The A49 at Woofferton has seen a large number of accidents over the years with some of them..View article
    Ludlow & Tenbury Wells Advertiser Ludlow & Tenbury Wells Advertiser
    Christine Crowshaw and Vivienne Price receive Lifetime ...
    Listen Christine Crowshaw and Vivienne Price receive Lifetime ... pronunciation
    Christine Crowshaw and Vivienne Price were the joint winners of the Music Teacher Lifetime Achievement Awards, sponsored by Black Cat Music and MusicPracticeRooms.com . The winners of the 20..View article
    blackcatacoustics.co.uk blackcatacoustics.co.uk
    Eileen Greene, Mooncup, on Madonna, swifts and Vivienne ...
    Listen Eileen Greene, Mooncup, on Madonna, swifts and Vivienne ... pronunciation
    Vivienne Westwood, she’s an icon. What would your death row meal be? Probably my go-to comfort food – roasted vegetables with tahini sauce and a glass of the finest red.
    The Grocer The Grocer
    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's sweetheart Vivienne steps ...
    Listen Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's sweetheart Vivienne steps ... pronunciation
    Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's e 12-year-old daughter Vivienne was spotted out alone in white sweater & black shorts. Vivienne was looking confidant as she stepped out sans parents for a cof..View article
    The News International The News International
    Vivienne Prime first baby of 2021 in Waterville area ...
    Listen Vivienne Prime first baby of 2021 in Waterville area ... pronunciation
    Vivienne was born at 11:06 p.m. Friday — New Year's Day — to Carlton and Miranda Prime of Waterville, their third child.
    Kennebec Journal Kennebec Journal
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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