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Vincent Cassel

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    Meanings for Vincent Cassel

    He is a French Actor, was first recognized for his film 'La Haine' in 1995, mostly cast as a villain in American movies, has bagged 8 awards and 25 nominations under various categories.
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    Wiki content for Vincent Cassel

    Vincent Cassel - Vincent Cassel (French pronunciation: [vɛ̃sɑ̃ kasɛl]; born Vincent Crochon, 23 November 1966) is a French actor.
    Vincent Castellanos - Vincent Castellanos (born August 7, 1961) is an American actor. Castellanos is best known for his role as Mateo in the adventure-horror film Anaconda.
    Vincent Casse - Vincent Casse (born 21 December 1994) is a Belgian male acrobatic gymnast. Along with his partner, Arne Van Gelder, he finished 4th in the 2014 Acrobatic Gymnastics World Championships.
    Vincent Castell - Vincent Castell (born 2 January 1992) is a French bobsledder. He competed in the four-man event at the 2018 Winter Olympics.

    Examples of in a sentence

    Vincent Cassel Is a Dad Again! Actor and Wife Tina Kunakey Welcome Daughter Amazonie
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    Westworld season 3: Thandie Newton looks intense shooting with newcomer Vincent Cassel
    0 rating rating ratings
    Vincent Cassel Latest News, Photos, and Videos
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    Vincent Cassel Attends 'Irreversible' Photocall at Venice Film Festival 2019
    0 rating rating ratings
    Kristen Stewart & Vincent Cassel in First Trailer for 'Underwater' Movie
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    Translations of Vincent Cassel

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    Trending news on Vincent Cassel

    Westworld season 3: Thandie Newton looks intense shooting with newcomer Vincent Cassel
    Thandie Newton was seen shooting the upcoming episodes of the sci-fi show in California on Friday, looking deep in thought ahead of an intense scene with newcomer Vincent Cassel. Vincent is..View article
    Metro Metro
    Vincent Cassel Is a Dad Again! Actor and Wife Tina Kunakey Welcome Daughter Amazonie
    Vincent Cassel is a father for third time. The French Black Swan actor, 52, and his wife, 22-year-old French model Tina Kunakey, are the proud parents of a new baby girl, he announced Friday..View article
    People People
    Vincent Cassel Attends 'Irreversible' Photocall at Venice Film Festival 2019
    Vincent Cassel steps out for the Irreversible photocall on Saturday afternoon (August 31) at the Sala Grande in Venice, Italy. The 52-year-old French actor kept things cool in a white shirt,..View article
    Just Jared Just Jared
    Vincent Cassel Latest News, Photos, and Videos
    Vincent Cassel steps out for the Irreversible photocall on Saturday afternoon (August 31) at the Sala Grande in Venice, Italy. The 52-year-old French actor kept things cool in a white shirt,..View article
    Just Jared Just Jared
    Vincent Cassel, 52, attends J'Accuse premiere with wife Tina Kunakey, 22, at Venice Film Festival
    They were spotted arriving in Italy for the star-studded film event earlier in the day. And Vincent Cassel was the picture of happiness with his glamorous wife Tina Kunakey on Friday, as the..View article
    dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
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