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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈverɪtɪ
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Meanings for verity

Verity is a Suspense Book that was written by Colleen Hoover and was published in 2018.
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Wiki content for verity

Examples of in a sentence

VerityStream, a HealthStream Company, Acquires CredentialMyDoc
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VerityStream Acquires CredentialMyDoc, for $9M
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Summoning motivation during the long dark days of winter is a challenge | Verity Lush
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Ihedioha, Imo and the Verity of Least Corrupt State
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Verity, Futrell lead Pirate All-AAC picks
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on verity

Verity Corp (VRTY) Dividend History
Dividend History information is presently unavailable for this company. This could indicate that the company has never provided a dividend or that a dividend is pending The Dividend History..View article
Nasdaq Nasdaq
Made In Chelsea: Things get NASTY between Verity and Emily as they clash over Tristan
The problem here is that Emily and Verity contribute to Tristan’s formerly-South Africa based ego by fighting over him. Tristan even kisses Verity later in the evening, but is too paralytic..View article
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
Cigna-owned Express Scripts buys Seattle-area health tech startup Verity Solutions
Verity Solutions, a Kirkland, Wash.-based startup that sells drug pricing software, was snapped up by Express Scripts, a large pharmacy benefit manager that is part of health insurance giant..View article
GeekWire GeekWire
Verity Turner says arm in shark belongs to husband Richard Martyn Turner
A Brit who was eaten by a shark has been pictured for the first time after his wife forced to identify him by his arm and wedding ring found inside the predator. The Sun reports the 44-year-..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Verity kicks into record book for high-scoring Pirates
Jake Verity has a quiet confidence that eases his East Carolina football coaches and teammates. Amid all the yards and points and highlights for the ECU offense in its last two games to grab..View article
The Daily Reflector The Daily Reflector
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