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IPA : veɪl
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Wiki content for veil

Examples of in a sentence

Tunisian Prime Minister signs decree to ban face veils in public institutions, government offices
Listen Tunisian Prime Minister signs decree to ban face veils in public institutions, government offices pronunciation
71 ratings rating ratings
Iraq: Uneven voter turnout elects women who push sharia law while anti-woman violence rages
Listen Iraq: Uneven voter turnout elects women who push sharia law while anti-woman violence rages pronunciation
66 ratings rating ratings
French police arrest two women wearing veils after burqa ban goes into effect
Listen French police arrest two women wearing veils after burqa ban goes into effect pronunciation
60 ratings rating ratings
Racial Equality commissioner warns of racial violence in Britain
Listen Racial Equality commissioner warns of racial violence in Britain pronunciation
55 ratings rating ratings
Violence at Cronulla Beach as 5000 people gather
Listen Violence at Cronulla Beach as 5000 people gather pronunciation
50 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on veil

Piercing the veil: a massive leak of records from British offshore services provider
The project’s name reflects the address of offshore services provider Formations House, located at 29 Harley Street, an upscale address in central London. The data comes from a breach at For..View article
Miami Herald Miami Herald
Vatican lifts veil, revealing vast caseload of clergy sex abuse
VATICAN CITY – The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints has seen a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year, including from countries it h..View article
The Patriot Ledger The Patriot Ledger
Trillium Releases 4 Reimagined, Barrel-Aged British Stock Ales in Collaboration with Cloudwater, Monkish, Other Half and The Veil
Trillium and their friends in brewing at Cloudwater, Other Half, Monkish and The Veil, thoughtfully blended portions of each close to three-year barrel-aged ale to unravel a final beer that..View article
Brewbound.com Brewbound.com
Panama Papers-style leak — and a Miami arrest — lift veil on how Iran ducks sanctions
The name is a nod to the address of Formations House at 29 Harley Street, an upscale neighborhood in London. Similar to the 2016 Panama Papers, the leak of documents again shows that when th..View article
Miami Herald Miami Herald
Lifting the Veil: What Is Google's Little-Known Project X?
The nation’s second-largest health system, Ascension, has agreed to allow the software behemoth Google access to tens of millions of patient records. The partnership, called Project Nighting..View article
The National Interest The National Interest
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