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Learn how to pronounce Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush

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Pronunciation of Vannevar Bush with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Vannevar Bush

vannevar bush
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Van-nevar Bush
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Meanings for Vannevar Bush

He is a former American Engineer who was the inventor of the analog computer to solve differential equations.
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Synonyms for Vannevar Bush

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Examples of in a sentence

Vannevar Bush
Listen Vannevar Bush pronunciation
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Texas A&M’s Roderic Pettigrew Announced As Vannevar Bush Award Winner
Listen Texas A&M’s Roderic Pettigrew Announced As Vannevar Bush Award Winner pronunciation
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Vannevar Bush Award Given to Roderic Pettigrew, Innovator in Biomedicine and Technology
Listen Vannevar Bush Award Given to Roderic Pettigrew, Innovator in Biomedicine and Technology pronunciation
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Translations of Vannevar Bush

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Trending news on Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush
Listen Vannevar Bush pronunciation
“Consider a future device … in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility..View article
image-unavailable The Atlantic
Texas A&M’s Roderic Pettigrew Announced As Vannevar Bush Award Winner
Listen Texas A&M’s Roderic Pettigrew Announced As Vannevar Bush Award Winner pronunciation
Pettigrew, an innovator in biomedicine and technology, is the 2020 recipient of the award honoring those who have made exceptional contributions to the nation's welfare through public servic..View article
AgriLife TODAY AgriLife TODAY
Vannevar Bush Award Given to Roderic Pettigrew, Innovator in Biomedicine and Technology
Listen Vannevar Bush Award Given to Roderic Pettigrew, Innovator in Biomedicine and Technology pronunciation
NSB governs NSF, develops Science and Engineering Indicators, and advises the President and Congress on S&E policy, research and education issues.
nsf.gov nsf.gov

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