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Learn Valenzuela pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Valenzuela in English

    Phonetic spelling of Valenzuela

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    Meanings for Valenzuela

    It is the name of a city situated in the Philippines. It is a highly populous city and is the home for the basketball team Valenzuela Idol Cheesedogs.
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    Quiz on Valenzuela


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    Examples of in a sentence

    Councilmember Katie Valenzuela looks to tackle myriad challenges in central city
    Listen Councilmember Katie Valenzuela looks to tackle myriad challenges in central city pronunciation
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    June A. Valenzuela, 79, obstetrics nurse was 'Mom to everyone'
    Listen June A. Valenzuela, 79, obstetrics nurse was 'Mom to everyone' pronunciation
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    Valenzuela's suspension order on NLEX Corp. stays
    Listen Valenzuela's suspension order on NLEX Corp. stays pronunciation
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    NLEX, Valenzuela agree on solutions
    Listen NLEX, Valenzuela agree on solutions pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    NLEX’s business permit suspension stays in Valenzuela; Gatchalian, MMDA suggest barrier-less expressway to ease traffic
    Listen NLEX’s business permit suspension stays in Valenzuela; Gatchalian, MMDA suggest barrier-less expressway to ease traffic pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Valenzuela

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    Trending news on Valenzuela

    NLEx toll holiday in Valenzuela City ends Wednesday noon
    Listen NLEx toll holiday in Valenzuela City ends Wednesday noon pronunciation
    The toll holiday for the North Luzon Expressway (NLEx) in Valenzuela City will end Wednesday at noon as Mayor Rex Gatchalian ordered the “conditional lifting” of the
    Philippine Daily Inquirer Philippine Daily Inquirer
    NLEX Corp. seeking ‘dialogues’ with Valenzuela on permit, RFID
    Listen NLEX Corp. seeking ‘dialogues’ with Valenzuela on permit, RFID pronunciation
    NLEX CORP. on Tuesday said it will seek “a series of dialogues” with Valenzuela City Mayor Rex T. Gatchalian after the local government revoked the toll operator’s business permit over the h..View article
    image-unavailable BusinessWorld
    Nlex, Valenzuela government agree on RFID plan
    Listen Nlex, Valenzuela government agree on RFID plan pronunciation
    San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora inspects the on-site Autosweep RFID installation for San Juan City residents at the city hall on Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The Autosweep RFID can be used..View article
    image-unavailable BusinessMirror
    HireVue Appoints Andy Valenzuela as Chief Human Resource Officer
    Listen HireVue Appoints Andy Valenzuela as Chief Human Resource Officer pronunciation
    HireVue, the global leader in video interviewing, assessments, chatbot and recruiting automation technology, today announced it has appointed Andy Valenzuela as its new Chief Human Resource..View article
    Associated Press Associated Press
    ‘Toll holiday’ ends as NLEx, Valenzuela gov’t resolve row
    Listen ‘Toll holiday’ ends as NLEx, Valenzuela gov’t resolve row pronunciation
    Motorists using North Luzon Expressway (NLEx) in City are paying toll again Thursday, a day after the local government and the tollway operator resolved a row over how to break
    Philippine Daily Inquirer Philippine Daily Inquirer
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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