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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈʌtə
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Wiki content for utter

Examples of in a sentence

Govt showing utter disregard for people's voices, has unleashed brute repression: Sonia Gandhi
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Director Terry Gilliam Trashes Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’. Calls It “Utter Bulls***”!
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Erased from the earth: The utter destruction of Balmoral
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NO LOVE FOR WAKANDA: Terry Gilliam says Black Panther film was 'utter bull----' that doesn't recreate real Africa
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Security updates on the OnePlus 6 and 6T are an utter mess right now
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Trending news on utter

Director Terry Gilliam Trashes Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’. Calls It “Utter Bulls***”!
“I hated Black Panther. It makes me crazy. It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in. Bullshit. It’s utter bullshit. I think the people who made it have never b..View article
Mashable Mashable
Govt showing utter disregard for people's voices, has unleashed brute repression: Sonia Gandhi
New Delhi: In a scathing attack against the BJP over anti-citizenship protests, Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Friday accused the government of showing "utter disregard" for people's voi..View article
Mathrubhumi Mathrubhumi
Erased from the earth: The utter destruction of Balmoral
The small village of Balmoral southwest of Sydney has been all but wiped out by the Green Wattle Creek firestorm that roared through the area twice in three days. The community was already r..View article
The New Daily The New Daily
Terry Gilliam Says "Black Panther" Is "Utter Bullshit"
It makes me crazy. It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in. Bullshit. It’s utter bullshit. I think the people who made it have never been to Africa,” he said..View article
HotNewHipHop HotNewHipHop
‘Utter Bullsh*t’: Acclaimed White Filmmaker Slams ‘Black Panther’
In an interview with IndieWire the British writer and director, who’s behind such decorated movies like “12 Monkey” and “The Fisher King”, called the Marvel movie “utter bullsh*t.” Gilliam m..View article
NewsOne NewsOne
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