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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : juːzɜːˈpeɪʃn
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Meanings for usurpation

usurpation of authority
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violent usurpation
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wrongfully seizing and holding (an office or powers) by force (especially the seizure of a throne or supreme authority)
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Examples of in a sentence

The Montgomery Usurpation.
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In the ritual of baptism and confirmation), yet he was resolute to withstand any unauthorized usurpation of rights and privileges.
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In 344 party struggles between oligarchs and democrats led to a usurpation by the tyrant Timophanes, whose speedy assassination was.
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a succession of generals who ruled by usurpation
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NCLA Asks Oregon Supreme Court to Prevent Governor's Usurpation of Law-Making Power
Listen NCLA Asks Oregon Supreme Court to Prevent Governor's Usurpation of Law-Making Power pronunciation
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Translations of usurpation

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Trending news on usurpation

NCLA Asks Oregon Supreme Court to Prevent Governor's Usurpation of Law-Making Power
Listen NCLA Asks Oregon Supreme Court to Prevent Governor's Usurpation of Law-Making Power pronunciation
NCLA strongly believes that the Oregon Governor's usurpation of law-making power during the COVID-19 pandemic flagrantly violates separation-of-powers principles. Even if the Governor has go..View article
Benzinga.com Benzinga.com
67 billion dollars claim for “Malvinas usurpation”
Listen 67 billion dollars claim for “Malvinas usurpation” pronunciation
Carlos Traboulsi, president of the Buenos Aires City Christian Democrats presented this Tuesday a 67 billion US dollars claim against Britain in behalf of the Argentine people, “because of t..View article
image-unavailable Uruguay News
Martires on dropping Noynoy charges: No president can be charged with usurpation
Listen Martires on dropping Noynoy charges: No president can be charged with usurpation pronunciation
MANILA, Philippines – Ombudsman Samuel Martires on Friday, July 5, said "no president can be accused of usurpation," as he defended before the Sandiganbayan his motion to withdraw graft and..View article
Rappler Rappler
Power, usurpation and separation
Listen Power, usurpation and separation pronunciation
I take a ride today at the expense of the concept of separation of powers which is the underlying principle of the presidential system of government being practised in both the US and Nigeri..View article
The Montgomery Usurpation.
Listen The Montgomery Usurpation. pronunciation
An usurpation is an unjust or illegal seizure and occupation of public power and property. In so far as JEFFERSON DAVIS and his associates have renounced the authority of the laws and Govern..View article
New York Times New York Times

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