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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ʌnˈbrəʊkən
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Examples of in a sentence

Unbroken bond
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Will the ‘Circle’ be unbroken?
Listen Will the ‘Circle’ be unbroken? pronunciation
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Will the ‘Circle’ be unbroken?
Listen Will the ‘Circle’ be unbroken? pronunciation
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British actor Luke Treadaway, who starred in Unbroken and War Horse, takes on new historical drama role in The Singapore Grip
Listen British actor Luke Treadaway, who starred in Unbroken and War Horse, takes on new historical drama role in The Singapore Grip pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
British actor Luke Treadaway, who starred in Unbroken and War Horse, takes on new historical drama role in The Singapore Grip
Listen British actor Luke Treadaway, who starred in Unbroken and War Horse, takes on new historical drama role in The Singapore Grip pronunciation
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Trending news on unbroken

Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes add unbroken 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford
Listen Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes add unbroken 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford pronunciation
Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes have added 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford
Janta Ka Reporter Janta Ka Reporter
Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes add unbroken 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford
Listen Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes add unbroken 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford pronunciation
Dom Sibley and Ben Stokes have added 126 runs for fourth wicket to put England on top in second Test at Emirates Old Trafford
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In 1972, American rock outfit Nitty Gritty Dirt Band released their album "Will The Circle Be Unbroken" against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. The album was designed to bring together two..View article
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New album Keep The Circle Unbroken a mammoth musical collaboration
Listen New album Keep The Circle Unbroken a mammoth musical collaboration pronunciation
In 1972, American rock outfit Nitty Gritty Dirt Band released their album "Will The Circle Be Unbroken" against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. The album was designed to bring together two..View article
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NEW YORK -- The paths of two New York churches diverged this week -- one reopened and one stayed closed. But they have shared a tragic fate, together losing at least 134 members of their mos..View article
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