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Umm Kulthum

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Phonetic spelling of Umm Kulthum

umm kulthum
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Um-may kal-soon
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Meanings for Umm Kulthum

She was an Egyptian singer known for her album ' Enta Omry.'
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Quiz on Umm Kulthum


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Wiki content for Umm Kulthum

Umm Kulthum - Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم‎, Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: [ʊm kʊlˈsuːm]; born Fāṭima ʾIbrāhīm es-Sayyid el-Beltāǧī فاطمة إبراهيم السيد البلتاجي on 31 December 1898; died 3 February 1975)
Umm Kulthum bint Ali - Zaynab al-Sughra (Zaynab the Younger), also known by her kunya Umm Kulthum bint Ali, was the granddaughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the daughter of Ali.
Umm Kulthum bint Muhammad - Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم‎) (c.603–630) is the third daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad by his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid.
Umm Kulthum (name) - Umm Kulthum or Umme Kulsum (Arabic: أم كلثوم‎) is a female given name that means "Mother of Kulthum". Several of these were connected directly to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Umm Kulthum bint Abi Bakr - Umm Kulthum bint Abi Bakr (Arabic: أم كلثوم بنت ابي بكر‎) was a daughter of Abu Bakr and Habiba bint Kharija.
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Examples of in a sentence

In search of Umm Kulthum's grave: where the lady rests
Listen In search of Umm Kulthum's grave: where the lady rests pronunciation
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Old is gold: Vintage photos of a chic Umm Kulthum in Paris!
Listen Old is gold: Vintage photos of a chic Umm Kulthum in Paris! pronunciation
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The treasures of Umm Kulthum were her voice and this gift from Sheikh Zayed
Listen The treasures of Umm Kulthum were her voice and this gift from Sheikh Zayed pronunciation
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Translations of Umm Kulthum

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Trending news on Umm Kulthum

In search of Umm Kulthum's grave: where the lady rests
Listen In search of Umm Kulthum's grave: where the lady rests pronunciation
Adam Baron goes on a journey to Umm Kulthum's tomb, which, given her worldwide fame, is unexpectedly difficult to find Umm Kulthum, Egyptian singer and performer, remains an Arab cultural ic..View article
The National The National
Old is gold: Vintage photos of a chic Umm Kulthum in Paris!
Listen Old is gold: Vintage photos of a chic Umm Kulthum in Paris! pronunciation
StepFEED have uncovered a blast from the past: Black & white photos of the iconic Umm Kulthum during her world tour in France. The vintage shots were from a trip the Egyptian singer had take..View article
Al Bawaba News Al Bawaba News
The treasures of Umm Kulthum were her voice and this gift from Sheikh Zayed
Listen The treasures of Umm Kulthum were her voice and this gift from Sheikh Zayed pronunciation
Ornate necklace on display at Louvre Abu Dhabi tells the story of the birth of the UAE Umm Kulthum's necklace, given to her by UAE Founding Father Sheikh Zayed, on display at Louvre Abu Dhab..View article
The National The National

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