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Meanings for erdogan

A popular Turkish politician who served as the President of Turkey in 2014.
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Wiki content for erdogan

Examples of in a sentence

Prezident Erdogan, Mejlisiň Başlygy Mustafa Şentopy Kabul Etdi
Listen Prezident Erdogan, Mejlisiň Başlygy Mustafa Şentopy Kabul Etdi pronunciation
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Erdogan: Nećemo tražiti odobrenje ni od koga za ispunjavanje naših dužnosti bratstva, prijateljstva i humanosti
Listen Erdogan: Nećemo tražiti odobrenje ni od koga za ispunjavanje naših dužnosti bratstva, prijateljstva i humanosti pronunciation
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Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Listen Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pronunciation
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Erdogan: Istanbul pretvaramo u jedan od najvažnijih zdravstvenih centara ne samo u Turskoj, već i u svijetu
Listen Erdogan: Istanbul pretvaramo u jedan od najvažnijih zdravstvenih centara ne samo u Turskoj, već i u svijetu pronunciation
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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: US sanctions blatant attack on Turkish sovereignty
Listen President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: US sanctions blatant attack on Turkish sovereignty pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on erdogan

Erdogan: Nećemo tražiti odobrenje ni od koga za ispunjavanje naših dužnosti bratstva, prijateljstva i humanosti
Listen Erdogan: Nećemo tražiti odobrenje ni od koga za ispunjavanje naših dužnosti bratstva, prijateljstva i humanosti pronunciation
Erdogan: Nećemo tražiti odobrenje ni od koga za ispunjavanje naših dužnosti bratstva, prijateljstva i humanosti
Yeni Haber Yeni Haber
Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Listen Prime Minister Ali Asadov meets with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pronunciation
Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov has met with President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan as part of his official visit to the country. The meeting was he..View article
Xalq Qazeti Xalq Qazeti
Erdogan: Istanbul pretvaramo u jedan od najvažnijih zdravstvenih centara ne samo u Turskoj, već i u svijetu
Listen Erdogan: Istanbul pretvaramo u jedan od najvažnijih zdravstvenih centara ne samo u Turskoj, već i u svijetu pronunciation
Erdogan: Turska u utorak iznosi novi plan reformi o ljudskim pravima, slijedi i paket ekonomskih reformi Erdogan: Istanbul pretvaramo u jedan od najvažnijih zdravstvenih centara ne samo u Tu..View article
Yeni Haber Yeni Haber
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: US sanctions blatant attack on Turkish sovereignty
Listen President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: US sanctions blatant attack on Turkish sovereignty pronunciation
US sanctions announced this week are a “blatant attack” on Turkish sovereignty, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday, according to Anadolu Agency. Turkey is the first NATO m..View article
Xalq Qazeti Xalq Qazeti
Başkan Erdogan: AK Parti dinamik bir parti, AK Parti bugünü değil, geleceği kuşatan bir parti
Listen Başkan Erdogan: AK Parti dinamik bir parti, AK Parti bugünü değil, geleceği kuşatan bir parti pronunciation
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 'AK Parti dinamik bir parti, AK Parti bugünü değil, geleceği kuşatan bir parti' dedi.
video.haber7 video.haber7
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Synonyms for erdogan

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Antonyms for erdogan

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Translations of erdogan

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