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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : trÉ’f trɒf
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Meanings for trough

deep troughs
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cable trough
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a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
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a long narrow shallow receptacle
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Wiki content for trough

Examples of in a sentence

Spring unveiling planned for replica of Glen Ellyn's iconic horse trough
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Three out of four motorists 'would drive trough flood water'
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FxWirePro: USD/DKK drifts closer to 4-month trough, dip till 6.6878 likely
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Revenge of the Inverted Trough
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Trough and Low to bring rain in Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka, bleak chance of Northeast Monsoon revival
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Trending news on trough

Arabian Sea trough may bring light rain today
A trough in easterlies that lie over the southeast Arabian Sea off Kerala coast at 0.9 km above the mean sea level influenced rainfall over the State. One or two places in districts, such as..View article
thehindu.com thehindu.com
Spring unveiling planned for replica of Glen Ellyn's iconic horse trough
But the village's historic horse trough has been conspicuously absent from the middle of the downtown intersection since last February. At that time, the village put up a sign explaining the..View article
Daily Herald Daily Herald
Sunny Anderson's eggnog ice cream sandwiches, trough cookies are perfect for anyone on the nice or naughty list
Sunny Anderson's eggnog ice cream sandwiches, trough cookies are perfect for anyone on the nice or naughty list originally appeared on goodmorningamerica.com The holidays are just around the..View article
Three out of four motorists 'would drive trough flood water'
Nearly three in four (74%) motorists would risk driving through flood water despite the risk of being swept away, a new survey suggests. Just 22% of men said they would turn around and find..View article
Lancashire Evening Post Lancashire Evening Post
FxWirePro: USD/DKK drifts closer to 4-month trough, dip till 6.6878 likely
The Danish Krone rose, drifting closer to a 4-month peak recorded last week. USD/DKK is currently trading 0.05 percent down at 6.7038, having hit low of 6.6724 on Friday, its lowest since Au..View article
image-unavailable EconoTimes
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