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Examples of in a sentence

Sir Ian McKellen, who has spent much of the past 15 years starring as the wizard Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, is suddenly getting wistful and romantic about the fantasy world of Middle-earth now that the films are coming to an end
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Walt Disney Company has announced that another sequel of “Toy Story”, one of the most well-known trilogies in the history of cinematic animations, will be released in June 2017
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Signaling an end to one of boxing’s most entertaining female trilogies, veteran Layla McCarter won a eight round unanimous decision over longstanding rival Melissa Hernandez on Friday night in Las Vegas
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Torture trilogies and octopus heads: the world's most extreme performance artists in pictures
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One of the greatest trilogies of science fiction novels is finally getting a TV series adaptation on HBO
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