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Meanings for torr

The torr is a pressure measurement unit defined as accurately 1/760 of a standard atmosphere.
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Wiki content for torr

Torr - The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale, now defined as exactly 1/760 of a standard atmosphere (101325 Pa).
Torrance, California - Torrance is a coastal U.S. city in the South Bay (southwestern) region of Los Angeles County, California, in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
Torrie Wilson - Torrie Anne Wilson (born July 24, 1975) is an American professional wrestler, model, fitness competitor, blogger, and actress.
Torrey Smith - James Torrey Smith (born January 26, 1989) is a former American football wide receiver. He played college football at the University of Maryland and was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in the
Torrey DeVitto - Torrey Joël DeVitto (born June 8, 1984) is an American actress, musician, philanthropist, producer and former fashion model.
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Examples of in a sentence

Running with ease: how tech helps Mark Torr blur distances and stay connected
Listen Running with ease: how tech helps Mark Torr blur distances and stay connected pronunciation
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Kennington Reservoir boasts new animal carvings by Bendigo artist Linton Torr
Listen Kennington Reservoir boasts new animal carvings by Bendigo artist Linton Torr pronunciation
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Why Fundamental Investors Might Love Torrent Capital Ltd. (CVE:TORR)
Listen Why Fundamental Investors Might Love Torrent Capital Ltd. (CVE:TORR) pronunciation
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E3 2014: Mortal Kombat X D'Vorah vs Ferra/Torr Gameplay
Listen E3 2014: Mortal Kombat X D'Vorah vs Ferra/Torr Gameplay pronunciation
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Liquid Sodium can be used as a heat transfer fluid. Its vapor pressure is 40.0 torr at 633 degree...
Listen Liquid Sodium can be used as a heat transfer fluid. Its vapor pressure is 40.0 torr at 633 degree... pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on torr

Running with ease: how tech helps Mark Torr blur distances and stay connected
Listen Running with ease: how tech helps Mark Torr blur distances and stay connected pronunciation
Today, we speak with Mark Torr in Heidelberg, Germany about his work as the Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe Business Lead for Data, AI and IoT and how he uses technology to collaborate..View article
image-unavailable Microsoft
Kennington Reservoir boasts new animal carvings by Bendigo artist Linton Torr
Listen Kennington Reservoir boasts new animal carvings by Bendigo artist Linton Torr pronunciation
Bendigo artist Linton Torr carved the creatures from the timber of trees felled by the council. He said he was given the brief to create pieces depicting local native fauna. The council's ma..View article
image-unavailable Bendigo Advertiser
Why Fundamental Investors Might Love Torrent Capital Ltd. (CVE:TORR)
Listen Why Fundamental Investors Might Love Torrent Capital Ltd. (CVE:TORR) pronunciation
Building up an investment case requires looking at a stock holistically. Today I've chosen to put the spotlight on Torrent Capital Ltd. (CVE:TORR) due to its excellent fundamentals in more t..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
TORR.V - Torrent Capital Ltd Profile | Reuters
Listen TORR.V - Torrent Capital Ltd Profile | Reuters pronunciation
Torrent Capital Ltd, formerly Metallum Resources Inc, is a Canada-based company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the mining of precious and base meta..View article
Reuters Reuters
Francisco Hervey Torr Castillo
Listen Francisco Hervey Torr Castillo pronunciation
The “crime” field includes a description provided by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The descriptions are manually entered and can vary between convictions for the same crime.
The Texas Tribune The Texas Tribune
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