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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈtɪpsɪ
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    An album song by the artist J-Kwon was released in 2004.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Political columnist apologises after mocking disabled broadcaster Andrew Marr
    Listen Political columnist apologises after mocking disabled broadcaster Andrew Marr pronunciation
    22 ratings rating ratings
    Tipsy Scoop Brings Booze-Infused Ice Cream to Long Beach
    Listen Tipsy Scoop Brings Booze-Infused Ice Cream to Long Beach pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Bookings now open for magical tipsy underground tea
    Listen Bookings now open for magical tipsy underground tea pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Menstrual hygiene day: The Cova Project and Tipsy Aunt Flow team up to tackle period poverty and menstrual shame - 9Honey
    Listen Menstrual hygiene day: The Cova Project and Tipsy Aunt Flow team up to tackle period poverty and menstrual shame - 9Honey pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Asda staff catch tipsy Trevor drinking bottle of stolen wine in booze aisle - at 6am
    Listen Asda staff catch tipsy Trevor drinking bottle of stolen wine in booze aisle - at 6am pronunciation
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    Trending news on tipsy

    Asda staff catch tipsy Trevor drinking bottle of stolen wine in booze aisle - at 6am
    Listen Asda staff catch tipsy Trevor drinking bottle of stolen wine in booze aisle - at 6am pronunciation
    Shoplifter Trevor Quayle was found sitting in a supermarket aisle - drinking from a bottle of wine. The manager of Asda, in Tunstall, spotted Quayle, who had taken two bottles of wine from a..View article
    image-unavailable TheSentinel
    A tipsy approach to alcohol issue
    Listen A tipsy approach to alcohol issue pronunciation
    Making alcohol dear could work, but only to an extent. This is because the choice is not limited. We can surmise that one in three Bhutanese who abuse alcohol are not after K5 whisky or Mist..View article
    image-unavailable Kuensel Online
    Kenny Chesney Teams Up With Tipsy Scoop For Rum-Infused Ice Cream!
    Listen Kenny Chesney Teams Up With Tipsy Scoop For Rum-Infused Ice Cream! pronunciation
    DELICIOUSNESS! Kenny has partnered up with the ice cream experts at Tipsy Scoop to present the world with the summer treat we have been missing, Blue Chair Bay Rum infused ice cream! The fla..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Where to Stay Guide in Paya Lebar, Dakota (Happy Hour Edition): Tipsy Bird Gastrobar, The Tuckshop and More Bars
    Listen Where to Stay Guide in Paya Lebar, Dakota (Happy Hour Edition): Tipsy Bird Gastrobar, The Tuckshop and More Bars pronunciation
    Where's the best place to live in the Paya Lebar / Dakota area? If your favourite time of day is Happy Hour and you enjoy knocking back pints of ice cold beers, here's a guide on the best pl..View article
    Yahoo Finance Yahoo Finance
    Tipsy pastor’s son threatens to shoot journalists attending his mother’s case
    Listen Tipsy pastor’s son threatens to shoot journalists attending his mother’s case pronunciation
    His father, who was present, urged the irate and somehow tipsy son to step outside the court. Irene was earlier in court for allegedly stealing glue and paint worth Sh1 million from Dynamic..View article
    image-unavailable The Standard Digital
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