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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈtaɪnɪ
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    Wiki content for tiny

    Examples of in a sentence

    Tiny newly discovered spider looks like Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night
    Listen Tiny newly discovered spider looks like Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    'It feels like an even better decision now': Living in a tiny home during a pandemic
    Listen 'It feels like an even better decision now': Living in a tiny home during a pandemic pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The top US states for homesteading, tiny homes, and off-grid living
    Listen The top US states for homesteading, tiny homes, and off-grid living pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Olly Murs shocks fans by showing off massive bulge as he dances in nothing but tiny pants
    Listen Olly Murs shocks fans by showing off massive bulge as he dances in nothing but tiny pants pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Coronavirus: tiny moments of pleasure really can help us through this stressful time
    Listen Coronavirus: tiny moments of pleasure really can help us through this stressful time pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Trending news on tiny

    EXPLAINER: Ida, Katrina similar but tiny differences are key | Charlotte Observer
    Listen EXPLAINER: Ida, Katrina similar but tiny differences are key | Charlotte Observer pronunciation
    Sure, Hurricane Ida looks an awful lot like Hurricane Katrina, bearing down on the same part of Louisiana on the same calendar date.
    image-unavailable Charlotte Observer
    Ida, Katrina similar with key tiny differences
    Listen Ida, Katrina similar with key tiny differences pronunciation
    Hurricane Ida is looking eerily like a dangerous sequel to 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, the costliest storm in American history.
    FOX31 Denver FOX31 Denver
    EXPLAINER: Ida, Katrina similar but tiny differences are key
    Listen EXPLAINER: Ida, Katrina similar but tiny differences are key pronunciation
    Sure, Hurricane Ida looks an awful lot like Hurricane Katrina, bearing down on the same part of Louisiana on the same calendar date.
    News Tribune News Tribune
    Determined Kitty Tries to Climb Inside Tiny Box
    Listen Determined Kitty Tries to Climb Inside Tiny Box pronunciation
    Occurred on August 28, 2021 / Quezon City, Philippines: "I saw my cat Tamtam trying to get inside the box and it was really funny, to be honest. He was having a hard time fitting inside so I..View article
    image-unavailable MSN
    Dallas Theater Center Kicks Off Its Season With TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS
    Listen Dallas Theater Center Kicks Off Its Season With TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS pronunciation
    Tiny Beautiful Things officially marks Dallas Theater Center's (DTC) return to live performances! The production starts September 8 in the Dee & Charles Wyly Theatre. This is the first live,..View article
    BroadwayWorld BroadwayWorld
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